If you have hassle buying - top tip, always check out the seller's feedback and reviews before you think about buying from them. Never buy from anyone with less than 99%... Or, just use Amazon instead
Local but and sells on Facebook are ok apart from no shows! And idiots who put up the same post 20 times a day or put in comment a full stop to bump it up! I sell low value items to pay for bike stuff. Postage is now a mare!!! And the biggest who gets are the ones who get the great deal or on a 99p item!!!!!! Pathetic .. That winds me right up.
My latest gripe is 10 frckin' days to send something, if I buy it, it's mine and I want it, three days within the UK is plenty.
I pay as soon as I win/buy it now. Why bother if you can't pay? It's good manners and I hate people cheating me, so why should I cheat them?
I read feedback ... What's the worst country for being scammed or messed about ? Mines been Denmark I kid not!
I hate people who buy then don't pay for over a week despite me saying payment in 3 days. I offer collection but Only when I am home and I make that clear after some muppet brought something for 99p then expected me to wait in one Saturday as they didn't know what time they would be round. Never showed then said be round tomorrow . i said no.
purchased on ebay 07/07/2013 0823hrs... sent receipt on 07/07/2013 0935hrs sent email on 09/07/2013 0937hrs requesting he paid including the postage no contact until 09/07/2013 1247hrs.. he asks do i accept paypal...... i reply yes 09/07/2013 1540hrs no response now 11/07/2013 1809hrs.. no further response am i being too impatient?
No,the blokes being a twat,so open an unpaid item dispute against him so those of us who play fair can bar the arse from bidding...
I always pay instantly and apart from some tosser who won a Kwacker ZX-6 I advertised and didn't pay for it, I have had good dealings. I did sell a rare, vintage radio to a gentleman in France and three months after he paid for it, he informed me he had not received it. After checking with the parcel company (Parcelforce aka Parcelfarce) they told me it hadn't been delivered and must be lost. To cut a long and boring story short, I refunded him and over a year after I sent it he finally received it, contacted me and paid what he owed. Overall, no problems with fleabay but the Paypal fees suck.