Random Or Interesting News Thread

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by DucatiScud, Jul 4, 2021.

  1. o_OProp or jet?:D
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  2. ^^
    If it was a bicycle blocking his drive it might have been a different out come :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. What the cyclist picking up his bike to shoulder it and walking home, or as tends to happen they carry sufficient spares to repair the 2 punctures….hopefully…..;)

    Unfortunately this motorist decided to beach his car in the farmers driveway such he felt was his entitlement. Then proceeded to have a dust up with said farmer and finding out the hard way it would end badly for him.
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  4. Great news on the fusion power. Now it's only 30 years away.
  5. Yes but tiny steps, remember they’re building careers on this if the solve this problem today they’ll be on the scrap heap living out of bins. :upyeah:
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  6. I see our lizard prince has paid off his under age victim over in the US today (or we have).
    God bless the queen tho, and all that shite.
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  7. Yes, the reporting made me chuckle when it said he met a person with the skill set to defend in a Taken kind of direction. :)
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  8. Yes, I liked the way he turned into a fence :D
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  9. They’re saying it was parked there by one of those private car parking firms that can be found around the airport
    Perhaps overspill from one the of the many unexpected amount of passengers that have been causing Manchester airport all sorts of problems this week, the clowns, but I digress
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