Multistrada 1000 Ds Scrambler Project

Discussion in 'Builds & Projects' started by buzzer, Jun 8, 2021.

  1. This will be my last post for a while... the Ducati build is almost at an end and before I start the next project I have a list of house DIY jobs to do :lol

    this has been my 9th Ducati build / restoration so I fancy a change... the next bike will be a Guzzi 1100 :D

    For now, here is a short video that tells the story of the last build...

    merry Christmas!

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  2. Looks great how much to sell It?
  3. I’ve followed this rebuild throughout. Loved it. And it looks ace too :upyeah:
  4. Well here are both bikes... ready for spring...

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  5. Saw this pic on Facebook too. Excellent job! Well done! :upyeah:
  6. Hi Buzzer,
    I have just read this build thread from start to finish and I have to say what a fantastic job you have done! I was enthralled by your workmanship and the photography not to mention engineering excellence shown throughout!:astonished:
    This is real world craftsmanship being shown to us mere mortals from a master, I look forward to going back through your previous posts, every day is a school day!:bucktooth::upyeah::upyeah::upyeah:
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  7. Speechless!….
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  8. you can always follow my blog as well! :upyeah::upyeah::upyeah:
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  9. Hi Buzzer,
    I have been reading through your blog and loving it, just wish you would get cracking with your Guzzi build as I have one in my garage that I am dying to get stuck in to, its a late model Le Mans that has already had some work done to make it in to a cafe racer, it's too far gone to restore for the purists, so I am going balls deep if I can on it! Looking forward to following your progress as I am sure to pick up tips and inspiration!!!:bucktooth::upyeah::upyeah::upyeah:
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  10. A couple of things were bugging me about this build… one was the inlet manifold where I had used the original rubber manifolds, they looked out of place, and gave to much movement on the carbs. I decided to re-make the manifolds. they are a bit difficult as the carbs are bigger than the port, so I had to expand some alloy tube a bit with a tapered mandrel.

    The other thing was the foam filters… I really wanted bell mouths, but as the carbs were forward facing it was to risky to have big open, sucking carbs… So I decided to make some bell mouths with mesh… they came out well! I have also tidied up the under seat area.

    Finally, I set the timing accurately it was out by 2 degrees cylinder to cylinder, probably do to me getting the positioning of the hall sensors slightly out. Its easy to correct for that in the ignitech software though.

    A couple more videos... she says it sounds like a bag of spanners with the clutch out!






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  11. Stunning work as always, your attention to detail continues to be an inspiration!:cool:
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  12. Wonderful work buzzer. The 1000DS looks great.:)
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  13. Question for you guys... My Ducati builds have come to an end for now as I have gone to the dark side and bought a Guzzi, which I will be doing a custom build on.

    The question is, do I continue to post in this thread about the Guzzi if you guys are interested in its progress, or say goodbye until the next Ducati? happy to do either...

    I have to say I find some of the Guzzi guys a bit "strange" !!!

    Here is the guzzi on the hoist!

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  14. Go for it, I don’t think this section is exclusively for Ducati’s, if you built a skate board I’d follow it, engineering on this level is interesting no mater what it is (well it is for me)
    • Agree Agree x 7
  15. Keep your build threads coming buzzer no matter the marque, it’s all good.:)
    • Agree Agree x 3
  16. Just as Ackers said, e don't mind what you're building just keep us posted, a well built and engineered project is always a joy! On the subject of "Guzzi owners" being strange, I know just what you mean!!!:thinkingface::joy::joy::joy:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. its been a while, this has been at the back of the garage waiting for spring... been out on it the last few days and its a hoot to ride! just a few niggles to sort... speedo needs calibrating, brake pedal adjustment and a few odd jobs...

    Although I have used the same silencer (loose term!!) on other builds for some reason on this one its MEGA loud. maybe the length of pipe or something, but I am going to have to use a baffle... In order not to annoy the neighbours I decided to go somewhere quiet and out of the way to adjust the carbs, they take a bit of time... I pulled up in a quiet lane in the middle of nowhere... I was sitting there when a car drove by and stopped, two guys got out and came over, said they were bikers and asked if I needed help... we chatted for almost an hour!


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  18. well its a while since I posted on this thread... I did quite a few miles on this build this year as its now the only bike I own with a dual seat after I sold my Harley V-ROD... My wife likes to ride pillion but the Harley just became too heavy for me to move around :(

    However, I never liked the way the exhaust looked... so out came the welder and I made another... I am not keen on lobster cut bends so I have used some stainless mandrel bends, which are quite cheap and come in many angles. A tip when making exhausts is to temporarily hold things together with Jubilee clips, and if you slot a couple, you can tack through the slot which keeps things nicely aligned :D

    No full bike build for me this year :( house renovations instead, but they are now almost complete...) Happy wife, happy life :lol:




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