1098r Brembo Clutch Master Cyclinder Wanted

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by SP4S, Mar 26, 2019.

  1. Hi all
    As title says I’m after a master cyclinder for my 1098r. As far as I’m aware it’s the same on all S and R models of 1098/1198.
    So, if anyone has replaced theirs with something else and have a spare knocking about I’d be interested.
    Ducati part no is 63040554A
    Thanks in advance.
  2. Possibly you could use one from a 749/999/848/Multistrada/M1100/Hypermotard and maybe Panni too?
  3. Really? I thought R models had different master cyclinder.
  4. Can you not go rcs?
  5. I can go to RCS, then I have to buy both sides. Twice the cost and bike won’t be original.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Fair do's mate.
  7. It looks like I have a spare Brembo billet, radial clutch master cylinder but need to unwrap the 1098R to check if it is the same. Too many beers in to look now but will check tomorrow. Andy
  8. That would be great mate, will PM you my email address.
    While im awaiting Android's info, if anyone has ideas/links to suitable item feel free to comment.
  9. i have several from the panigale if they are correct i can check part numbers tomorrow
  10. Not sure why this would be true. They all have the same slave cylinder so the master cylinder would be matched. The R one is nothing fancy like billet or anything like that.
  11. Shows up the same as the base 1098 base and the S on the parts lists, different to all 848's - different to the Pani too…
    There was an older part number but your quoted number is current.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Thanks for the feedback guys. So it’s all same on 1098/1198 models regardless of being R or not. Hopefully make search easier.
  13. That would be great.
  14. See post 11 = different on the Pani :)
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Why would you need each side? If you are keen to keep the original fitment Iwill swop mine for an RCS équivalent!
    Who is the girl in your profile pic?
  16. @SP4S, just checked my 1098R clutch master cylinder and unfortunately my spare does not have the facility to attach the safety micro switch required to start in gear. Andy
  17. Thanks for checking mate.
  18. A351FD57-9819-47CA-8BF6-0B782EEF9868.jpeg These are Panigale ones
  19. I have a low mileage Brembo clutch master from my V4s Corse for sale. You could check if they are the same
  20. The post is nearly 3 years old mate. Andy
    • Funny Funny x 1
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