Aston Owners

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Advikaz, Feb 6, 2021.

  1. Unlucky, at least it'll all be good for when the weather and roads improve.
    • Agree Agree x 1

  2. Exactly that!
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Update on the works.

    Mr McG himself called earlier. I knew from the get go there was something up as you don’t usually get a call from the owner of the dealer.

    Anyway story shortened. They’ve inspected the car and agreed that the crank main seal has failed and is indeed leaking to a level that is not acceptable. They’re replacing this for me. They’ve stated that the timing chest is dry as a bone though which is good news.

    On to the reason for the call from the man himself. Unfortunately whilst they have the box out they also realised that a clutch spring had snapped ! Eek!
    - They’re going to replace the clutch for me which I can’t really argue with and I’m happy with the resolution.

    hopefully should get the car back pristine in the coming weeks and ready for many happy miles ahead.

    Theres a matter of getting the diamond cut wheels sorted as their refurber made a bit of a mess of them. But honestly the dealer seem very motivated to sort this out also. I’m impressed.

    Truth be told I’ve had a few issues with her so far but all of which are pretty well known problems. It’ll be nice having it back with every single one sorted :)
    • Like Like x 5
  4. Good to hear things are moving.
    If you need a good wheel refit company. A friend of mine used to work here and they do fantastic work.
    • Useful Useful x 2
    • Thanks Thanks x 1

  5. It needs to be spot on as it’s got a bit of a journey coming up..
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  6. At least they’re sorting it out for you and not dining you off. He has a good reputation for good reason and wishes to keep that reputation. Hassle for you getting there and back but imagine paying for those repairs!!!! How many Ducatis could you buy with the money???
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Always good to see a dealer give proper quality aftersales service and that does seem to be a trademark of indepedent Aston specialists which is reassuring.
    Just got home from picking mine up after service and new front suspension unit replacement. All done with minimum fuss and excellent attention and communication by Nick Mee. Had a look round a Rapide AMR while I was there, 20 reg 3000 miles and 600bhp to play with and an interior that can only be found in an Aston, beyond stunning with an exhaust note that is just mind blowing. Only 150 worldwide with just 47 in RHD. Man maths working overtime at the moment but at 165K it's just not going to be.:sob::sob::sob:
    • Agree Agree x 1

  8. Yeah, it’s not been smooth sailing thus far but they are dealing with the issues and obviously have a Stella reputation for a reason (which is why I got mine from them in the first place).

    I dread to think of the cost. Probably somewhere in the region of 10-15k’s worth of retail work.

    the dealer have trailered it too and from for me this time :)

    I guess this is the problem with low mileage vehicles! See it time and time again don’t you.

    But hopefully that is now all of the glitches addressed :). It hasn’t detracted from the awesomeness of the car, it truly is fantastic. But it does drum home how important it is to buy from a good dealer.
    • Like Like x 3

  9. They’re a lot of money those rapide’s I’d honestly rather have yours mate.

    165k buys a lot of car ! Potentially a lot of car that may hold it’s money better than a rapide also.

    Nick Mee are another great dealer!
  10. Sounds like IMS job on 911 ;)
  11. Buy a fucking lottery ticket right now you jammy bugger
    • Funny Funny x 1

  12. I’m full of food poisoning so going nowhere sadly
  13. @Advikaz nobody needs that shit, get well soon.:heart:
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  14. Thanks hun

    Not ideal on Valentine’s Day. Not that I celebrate it…. But was still holding out for a blowey.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  15. An interesting and attractive proposition with a loose backside for the missus.:mask:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. Take it you’ve used all your Xmas vouchers already ;)

  17. Good shout. Maybe I’ll throw one of those bad boys at her.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. Stellar (I hope)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. This is cool!

    • Like Like x 4
  20. Just need to find the other one and buy that one as well. Then you’ll have the full production run.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
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