Ride round in a mankini if you like...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Jul 13, 2013.

  1. prepare for the 'its not us its them brigade'.............
  2. Went out today hardly saw a bike

    There are still some pretty dodgy road surfaces about round here
  3. Was at Sandbanks, Poole today and loads of numptys on bikes in shorts and flip flops.....
  4. ...and loads of very fat, middle aged numptys, in full race leathers I'll bet.:wink:
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  5. To be honest that's why I can't be arsed with sportsbikes any more; there's hardly anywhere you can ride them with any degree of comfort. The fuglystrada bosses backroads like no other bike I've owned:upyeah:
  6. Quite a few.....
  7. The way the article in the OPs post is written, it suggests the injuries were down to a lack of protection, not the accident itself. Either way, a sad loss of life
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  8. shocking waste of life, whether there fault or not, 5 bikers round soton and 1 in alton, a sad week
    #10 kev cornwall, Jul 14, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2013
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  9. I live in Hampshire and it has to have the worst road surfaces in the country. They just do not seem to want to spend any money on our roads. Be interested to know if this has had anything to do with so many deaths. As for clothing you pay your money and take your choice. Personally do not feel safe but if you want to do the shorts and flip flops its your funeral. We also have more than our fair share of OAP drivers and that is another menace.

    Regards Steve
  10. The best thing to do Steve, is to email Hampshire county council and ask that same question. It may well stir them into action.
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  11. It wont. They have no money. We have no money. No one has money.

    Tbh I travel a bit and the roads in Hants are no worse than most other places
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  13. Because they cant gauge speed as a start, secondly they have far slower reactions

    comes to us all
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  14. They have no money cos they hoarded ours in dodgy Icelandic banks. Don't expect me to shed a tear on their behalf.
  15. Shame its on pur behalf, they coldnt give a flying one...roads are low priority, with the latest solution being just reduce all the speed limits. Lots of the nationals are now 50, with many 50's down at 40 and so it goes on. Open country roads where you can see accross open fields with the odd farmhouse easily spotted and its 40...
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  16. That's why insurance companies consider them a lower risk is it bradders.
  17. The facts are the facts. Many old peolpe see plenty of acidents in their mirrors ;-)
  18. It is possible to swing the odds in your favour though, as I am sure you would agree.
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