Ride round in a mankini if you like...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Jul 13, 2013.

  1. Sorry bradders, I must live in a different world from you.I have never been put into danger by an OAP.Of course like everyone else I have been held up by elderly drivers keeping to the speed limit but perhaps just as often with middle aged motorists. Having said that, if one is incapable of overtaking them on a Ducati then its time to pack in riding bikes. Many years ago a young driver on the wrong side of the road smashed into my car head on and an even younger driver ran into the rear of my car whilst I was waiting at traffic lights. I cannot argue with you that older people's reactions are slower but that is precisely why they tend to be more careful on the roads and why they are involved in fewer accidents than youngsters who consequently have to pay higher motor insurance premiums.
  2. There is a big difference between carelessness (young stud high on petrol trying to shag the 15yr old girl from up the road) and the old fella who, because of age and potentially other conditions (including over assessment of their own abilities because 'they've been driving 50 years sonny') means he doesn't gauge the speed of oncoming traffic as well and causes others to take avoiding action or, f you catch the flat cap in your obs early enough, slow down just in case

    we can all give counter examples, but nature is nature. If we didn't deteriorate with age why wouldn't we send the OAP brigade into action with the forces or force them to leave certain jobs at an early age?
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  3. I am not disagreeing with you about what happens in old age bradders. What I am saying really is that it is unfair to keep harping on about what a menace on the roads elderly people are when in reality they are less so than lots more younger aggressive drivers.You have your view of the world and I have mine let us leave it at that shall we.
  4. dont forget the middle age crew who's actual ability is contradictory to their perceived ability..........where do they sit if we are compartmentalising people....
  5. Tbf I wasnt...the biggest menace are in 2 camps imho; Audi drivers and power-ranger suited two wheel plonkers who blame everyone else when it all goes wrong. But of all drivers n the road, and I do a few miles, if I see someone of pension age or older I am a little more cautious, give them a little more space and just prepare to be killed a little more.
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  6. I will chip in and say that you are both right. Round here its a heady mixture of oap, caravan and young/aggressive ( not to mention a few tits on motorbikes). The first two hold up the latter causing them to attempt ridiculous/dangerous overtakes. Often being "careful" involves the elderly (round here at least) doing 30mph regardless of road conditions or speed limits, during the summer when the coast is busiest having someone doing 30 on a national speed limit road causes all sorts of mayhem, but I bet if you used Avivas safe driver app this kind of behaviour would have you down as a good driver and give you reduced premiums
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  7. Anyway...back on thread..key point is be careful and ride like everyone is trying to kill you and you probably wot go far wrong :upyeah:

    condolences to those affected by this recent spate and any to come. I know a couple of them were friends of friends and all leave spouse + kids. Keep safe
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  8. 2 motorcyclists dead in Norfolk this weekend separate incidents..........
  9. Just a note on the power ranger brigade.... if you look at national accident statistics, they're not the biggest group. It's the born again 35-65 bikers who come off worst. Youngsters have more minor accidents than anyone else but it's the older lot who get KSI'd more.
  10. A death at Box Hill? A mate rang to check I was ok, apparently someone in their 40's died near Box Hill today. I know no more than that.
  11. a lad from my village was killed on friday, i've had 3 calls from worried friends.

    go steady out there everyone
  12. Age wise I'm bang in the range of 38-45 worst, thankfully I'm not a born again otherwise missus would take the keys
  13. I drive an Audi !! its an A4 S line Estate, i dont drive like a dick, infact i think im a considerate and safe driver, i could always sell it Bradders if i dont fall into the correct category :rolleyes:
  14. Changing the subject a bit, where's your Dutch mate ?
  15. Do you Mean Speno from Clogland ? hes been very quiet lately, hes probably in a Taiwanese jail making freindly with the locals :biggrin:
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  16. Is this a good place to say how much I hate caravans?

    Because I do.

    They cause massive tailbacks and frustration. I wonder how many accidents they are indirectly responsible for.

    Hate them. Hate them. Hate them.

    Quite useful when you do a track weekend, though...
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  17. I once towed a caravan Glidd, so maybe I should go and ask the NSA to wipe my memorry as I wouldnt want to be part of a bad category :rolleyes:
  18. Nah. Having listened to a podcast on the subject today, it transpires that all that NSA work is subcontracted out to private companies who then go and work for the UAE or whoever.

    So your caravan-owning past is all over the world by now. The genie cannot be put back in the bottle.
  19. And Pandoras box shall forever be unlock
  20. No such thing as an accident...............more of an incident where someone or more than one persons actions are to blame.
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