P&o Suspends All Sailings Ahead Of Announcement

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Mar 17, 2022.

  1. cant of helped when Ireland (whose patron saint was from Dumbarton, chortle) set up direct links to the continent bypassing UK routes.
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  2. IMO it seems the way P & 0 have gone about this is in contravention of Employment law, any redundancies should have involved meaningful consultation with the relevant trade union(s) BEFORE any lay offs, and the fact that they are replacing the 'redundant' positions with cheaper overseas labour is a contradiction in terms and leaves them open to unfair or unlawful dismissal claims?...what a shower of twats!
    #22 yellowducmaniac, Mar 17, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2022
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  3. Brexit Labour deregulation. Just wait for the "Free Ports" to start. Many working people are going to be trashed, and that includes employees at all levels. Zero workers rights coming to you and your family and friends soon.
  4. All in the name of ‘competitive advantage’ :confused:: unamused:
  5. Well that's all my future sailings with P&O now cancelled.

    Utterly despicable way to treat people by their management team.
    • Agree Agree x 9
  6. The owner of P&O Ferries, a Dubai-based multinational called DP World, is also a major investor in the first post-Brexit freeport...
  7. If…they start sailing again would you travel with P&O Ferries?
  8. If they’re the cheapest/most convenient sailing times etc people will use them again.

    Money trumps principles every time.
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  9. No
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  10. Sadly your correct ET :confused:
  11. A bit naughty that.

    Maybe a sign of the times though. The aftermath of covid measures and now playing financial ruin ping pong with Russia.

    Some people seem surprised that inflation is going nuts and the tax payer is in for a pasting again..

    I can see a stormier economy on the horizon.
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  12. It would seem that the staff affected are on British contracts. Those on French or Irish contracts are protected by EU employment legislation.

    Seemingly another benefit of Brexit……which ironically the RMT Union supported and urged their members to vote for. Think that’s called karma.

    ps. And as for the faux outrage of Brexit supporting Conservative politicians……It’s what they wanted and campaigned for!
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  13. Not a chance. I've already re-booked elsewhere (at a higher cost) with their competitors.

    Time we made this P&O Ferries "Ratners" moment.
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  14. I don't know why anyone is shocked. This has been going on in the industry since the early 80s, and no-one complained. Its just a bit more in the public eye this time.
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  15. Wow, some of these misguided conclusions are straight from a Labour conference. :D Some of you just leap straight down the governments throats at the slightest of excuses lol
    Its not rocket science here children.
    P&O are looking to save money by sacking regular crew and re-employing agency staff at lower rates with less benefits. This is a company that asked for £150m of state aid, but were declined it as they paid out £270m in shareholder dividends in 2020. They did receive a substantial £m sum to help with keeping staff on during lockdown though.
    Its not a dark conspiracy, Its not Maggie Thatcher, David Cameron or BoJo, or Brexit even....its just a shite company .
    #35 HootOwl, Mar 18, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2022
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    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. De regulation, Brexit, Tories. All linked.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. It's (another) extreme right wing conspiracy...:eyes::D
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. Maybe they don't cover the routes I tend to sail but have favoured Brittany Ferries for years who, from my experience, are very customer focused. Not sure how they treat their staff though most are French I think...
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