T Shirt And Shorts

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by clueless, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. Next will be some bloke in speedos ..
    I hate that term " Making Progress "
    It sounds wrong ;) .. Probably because I'm so slow
  2. Quite right, properly fitting kit makes a huge difference. Had my leather jeans been baggy instead of snug the detached part of the femur could have continued its backward journey and exited the back of my leg. It's quite conceivable I would have lost my leg. Snug fitting (but not so tight it pinches or is uncomfortable) leather kept everything contained. I'm absolutely certain proper kit saved a lot of problems that day.

    Oh, it was on a bimble home, you can't really make progress on a Chinese 125
  3. My leathers are a snug fit
    I always zip my jacket to my trousers and I always tuck my cuffs into my gloves and Velcro them as tight as comfy will allow
    My ankle cuffs are tucked into my boots so as all ends are tucked in

    My only injuries were my shoulders I had no bruises or cuts or rashes
    My leathers are well scuffed to the point it wore the stitching away on my trousers
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  4. I'm just going to think about that for a moment...
  5. Ouch! You, Sir, you have cut me to the quick :rolleyes:
  6. 'twas meant to be light hearted......no name calling or anything !!!
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  7. passing through Glastonbury today on the way home,I found myself behind a scooter. The rider was wearing a t-shirt and shorts which I dont have a problem with. ( It's his body to risk fucking up), on the back was a kid who looked to be about 5 or 6. He was in a t-shirt and shorts as well, + a bloody great crash helmet that was obviously way too big. the weight of it was pulling his head back and it would have pulled him off the back if a top box hadn't been their.
    It's one thing to risk your own skin but a kid as well ?
  8. Or any pillion, regardless of age. I've seen so many people who will dutifully kit themselves up to the hilt, then encourage the missus to hop on the back in lycra leggings and an ill-fitting lid. Double standards of the highest order.
  9. So stop it....................
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  10. I suggest you re-read the thread.
  11. When does "confidence" become "over confidence" ? Why do you assume that because someone wears decent kit and doesn't want to hoon about the place that they lack confidence? I am confident in my riding abilities - and I spent eight years as a motorcycle instructor, so I think I have a good idea of how to judge riding ability. I also know my limitations and recognise that my reactions are not as good as they were decades ago. I like to "make progress", but I don't take un-necessary risks; and that includes what I wear as well as how I ride. My perception of what contitutes "un-necessary" is obviously different to yours...
  12. When you crash...
  13. Yes, Fig... And by your own admission, you've crashed how many times ?
  14. Yep, by my own hand, through overconfidence.

    Your point is..?
  15. You've just made it for me - that "confidence" is easily confused with "over confidence"... I agree with you that riding in a confident manner means you are probably less likely to be involved in an accident than if you are riding with a complete lack of confidence. But in the same way, being over confident makes you more likely to crash... I think your last post would indicate that you agree with that...
  16. I thought I made it clear from the off that my accidents were my own fault. I still fail to see the point.
  17. Where's the T-Shirt and Shorts thread gone? I seem to have stumbled into the handbag thread!
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  18. I hope it's a leather handbag you're after, otherwise they'll lynch you!:eek:
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  19. You were saying confident riders crash less... I was saying it's easy to stray beyond confident into over confident - something that you agree with. Let's just leave it at that shall we ?
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