Mornings, I'm gonna stick a vacuum version on mine ....question...anyone fitted one... where did you plug the vacuum in too? Any issues? (I've got one on my diavel and like it)
as you can see the vacuum plug in the hose near to trail chassis. I purchase the bike with the scottoiler installed by the previous owner. He told me that is the Best Buy he done .!
I will defently cut off these cable ties pretty angly, any suggestions for tire up the scottolier ? I have fiber scratch ties .
I would suggest trying a PDOiler instead, much more compact and easy to locate out of the way than a Scottoiler. I managed to hide all of mine in the gaps between the rear panels and the subframe. Easy to power it directly off the rear DIN socket.
I personally run a franken oiler setup created over many year, with the PDoiler pump, Scottoiler tube reservoir and an old tutoro helix for delivery. However on reviewing it this year I figured the PDOiler string could actually better deliver to the chain by mounting it as shown below with the red line. So that it strokes the chain on the way out.
in the drive pinion, maybe it's not as effective, but the route is much easier, even if you spend a little more oil it doesn't dirty the wheel, I'll show you a video of how I used it on the 1200 dvt