Great pictures and the bike looks perfect. I have the same helmet Had a great run-out Saturday to the Cat and Fiddle with a mate on his 1200.
I normally wear Shoei helmets, so was a bit nervous getting an AGV, but needn’t have been. It’s great.
That is an excellent picture. I notice you removed your hand guards. May I ask what you did for bar ends? Can't really see from the picture but I can tell there's something there. Been thinking of doing the same to my bike.
I removed them only as an experiment for wind noise and turbulence, made no noticeable difference so will probably put them back. The bar ends are from Ducabike, they have the rubber ‘bungs’ which also fitted my Diavel 1260, about £45
Got to ask , the instructions don't mention taking the rear handle frame off , how come you had to do this or are we missing something ....fitting mine this week , already taken the back guard ( indictor holder) off before so presumed you just tuck and pull the extra wire thro and re arrange.
I was hoping not to have to take the rear handle assembly off as well. You will need to carefully cram as much of the excess cabling/plugs into the tail tidy itself, however, I was struggling to get the tidy to mount flush underneath the rear seat (too much excess cabling) and decided to pull/push some of it through the small hole that forms part of the rear seat/hand guard assembly. Fingers crossed you can make it work though… you’ll see what I mean when you start on it…
Cheers , I will let you know how I get on , must remember to drink tea rather than the usual beers with a job lol
If you do remove the hand grab assembly mind you don’t lose the spacers that sit on top of the pannier sliding mechanism. They are fiddly.
Head turning when they're running, depressive when they are out of action & broken. Enough said ..I've art too buy!!