It is worrying when you see an elderly person at a Petrol station taking five minutes just getting out of their car as they can hardly move, how is someone like that supposed to react quickly to something happening on the road around them.
It was OAPs that hospitalized me (turned across my path even though he'd seen me, thought he could make the gap...), my brother (U-turned without indicating just as my brother was about to overtake) and my sister (punted her moped up the arse, never saw it). If it says Nissan on the back, give it a wiide berth...
Waitrose car parks - still my nemesis, its like entering a 'no traffic rules apply in here' parallel universe
My wife works for the RAC in the Accident Care department, the number of people who think that traffic laws do not apply in a car park is terrifying...
The rules are reversed in supermarket carparks.... It's ok to pull out on other vehicles as you now have the right of way. It's also acceptable to use your infant in push chair as a human shield.
I'm another who's been put in hospital by an OAP (& she destroyed my 916), one that hadn't realised that she could only read a number plate at 3.5m until a nice policeman pointed it out to her...
We lost someone from our club . OAP decided she would drive the wrong way back up. GfpA12 as missed her turning . He never stood a chance killed outright poor Bob. Very good rider . Yesterday I had the kids in hot hatches driving like idiots cutting me up . Then strangely 3 grey Rovers all different A12 turned on no word of a lie 20mph!!! Everyone slamming on brakes.. Same again bouncing off curb in town And another . I think there's good and bad in all ages .
You'd think oaps would drive really fast, 'cos they've got limited time left and would want to get everything done as quick as poss
an OAP put me in hospital for 3 months when they didn't stop for the t junction outside a gdn ctr , them due care and attention, 3 points £80 fine, me 3 months hospital. gotta agree with bradders, living in cornwall the land of the slow OAP , you are fully aware one will pull out in front of you constantly on a 40 or 60mph road so slow they could walk faster, then do 20mph where ever there going with miles of traffic behind them, Nissan micras and rovers every time, and they seem totally oblivious to all around them
As I have said before - my mate German Mike got taken out by a senile old fart in a Rover. He drove across a line of illuminated red road studs, directly underneath a row of illuminated red crosses and head-on straight into a BMW 1100 with its 100W headlight on coming the other way. Mike was lucky to be alive. And yes, the old git did claim not to have seen him. ( Yes Kev, Tamar bridge / Saltash tunnel ). The problem with the elderly being allowed to drive is that it has to get to the point where they actually inflict damage / injury / mayhem before anything happens... Compulsary re-testing is the answer - I reckon every five years from age 25 should sort out the young and the old alike. People in the UK have forgotten that having a driving licence is a privelidge, not a right...
lucky lucky man, how many times have I seen cars got up the middle lane when the lights are in the opposite direction, how dumb are some people
All the people who are stupid when they're young will still be stupid when they're old. And people who are careless, inattentive, selfish arseholes when they are young will still be ... you've got the idea.