Pets Corner

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pixie1276, Aug 19, 2012.

  1. Picked up Rusty today, not going to lie, it’s bloody hard with a new puppy, I knew it would be hard but my anxiety has been off the charts today.

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  2. Issues still not budging. Most days it’s mentioned…. Sprocker perfect size & companion and needs the exercise I need!
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  3. MY BOY love him rescued him 1 year old from death row.He is 10 now. IMG_2748.JPG IMG_2747.JPG
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  4. 7C72BB5A-8060-41AC-8E22-2BE0C2DFF33C.jpeg

    10 months old now.

    Makes life interesting, especially when out walking and we see another dog, he gets excited and basically ‘bounces’ until we’re past them.
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  5. Basil Stewart

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  6. I have St Bernards - who PULL - buy a DogMatic Harness - makes it easier.... just use it when people are around... or trip to vets or similar... but makes it easier.
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  7. yes, very good harnesses, we have one for him and for out GSD.
    Does a good job of stopping him pull forwards, but it doesn’t stop him jumping up and down like a fool when he sees another dog (he wants to play, unfortunately most other dog owners all but run away when he does it). :)

    Had to take him to the vets yesterday and was amazed that he was good as gold. No jumping and walked nicely next to me. Can only think all the other behaviour is when I have the other dogs with me too.
  8. Enjoy his quirkyness, he is just ten months old -but he wont be forever.
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  9. I rescued one too, many years ago. She was a great friend but I had to be very careful with her around other dogs. Totally dominant. One small yappy dog ended up with its head entirely in her mouth.
  10. Just chillin

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  11. I walk mine at around 3.45 AM the first 2 - then swap over with the second 2 - home by around 5.15 to 5.30 - that way we avoid most people and it makes life easier and the walks enjoyble.. good job I do not sleep much..
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  12. Week 4 with the pup now (Sprocker spaniel, he's just turned 12 weeks old). It's been REALLY hard, I'm not going to lie. There is the usual aspect of it being the poo, wee, bite everything, totally mad must be watched every second as well as the realisation of just how bigger change it is, but in my specific case it's triggered quite a lot of pain and unhappiness from my previous marriage where we had a cocker spaniel (who still lives with her) and so it's sort of dragged a lot of that back up.

    On the whole it's becoming positive, making new memories with this one will be great I'm sure, and he's into a routine of sleeping somewhere between 6-7 hours now at night which I'm pleased about, just hope that continues and we can get back into our own routine around that as I'm still tired...
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  13. I thought I remembered you having a spaniel. The new one will be ace, this period is always though.
  14. yeah, Ludo, he must be 8 now, I see a few pics of him sometimes and some of my mates have seen him a lot since. Glad he’s well, he did have a weak heart I found out which is a bit scary but seems to be okay.

    It took me 3 years to even really consider the dog thing again, but I honestly got a lot from having him, a lot of exercise, a lot more time away from phones and screens in general, so I’m hoping this really helps my health. It’s been tricky though, our 5 year old is really really nervous around animals.

    here’s a few pics, he’s off for his jabs today, I think he knows!

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  15. The hard work and effort you put in now repays itself in bucket loads over the coming years, as you no doubt know.
    He’s a little cracker.
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  16. Sooty 18 months.jpg

    The Wolfie at 18 months :)
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  17. I’m sure it was never in doubt with most but just to confirm this little helmet did get round to destroying the strap on my second watch too


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  18. Mine took the key to my V4s and chewed the rubber key ring off it. Found the evidence on the middle of the lawn after much frantic searching!
    Key was ok thank god.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  19. haha yep i felt sick as i thought id thrown it out or something daft by mistake then i realised the only place i hadnt looked was the little shits bed, and of course there it was.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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