Hi All I just won an auction on Flea Bay for a set of Termi slip ons for my 848 Evo. Looking at some of the posts on here, I think it will be a reasonably straight forward job for me to fit them. One question though - I was reading on another forum that even if I do fit them, I will need to get the bike back to a dealer for them to adjust the Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)... Never come across this before - Any of you know if this needs to be done? Thanks Jon
I have the old style termis on my corse se and they fitted no problem other than the spring locations are slightly different. Not sure about the tps however u will need to get your ecu reflashed,I have not got round to do mine yet and to say its running like a bag of shite would be an understatement although it does make some great popping noises and I'm sure there is flames coming out the back:biggrin: getting the ecu reflashed next week so should put a stop to all that
I got the 848 ECU upgrade on a separate auction - This will be fitted when I do the can's so shouldn't require an ECU reflash?
You won't need a re-flash. But you may need a TPS reset. My not very expert advice would be to see how it goes, I had one that stalled after an ecu swap, I then had the TPS reset and the prob went away. TPS reset is prob 1/2 labour, sat morning job at main dealer..
Thanks - One other (probably daft) question. When the slip on's are fitted, should I remove the O2 / Lamda sensor a bit further down the main exhaust pipe? - Keep reading conflicting information on the web regarding this as some say the new ECU does not make use of it?
If you take it off and the ecu hasn't been told its off, you will get the orange light on reading a fault. Best action really is to take your (or other) ecu to someone who can drop the DP flash on it, or of you are technical go to ducatidiag and get the stuff to do yourself
Thanks Bradders - Did you take yours off then? - Any contact information for the DP Flash? - Is this the same as the Termi flash with just the Lambda bit missing? - I'm guessing I will need to get a bolt to fit the hole if I do take it off?...
Had mine custom mapped at CJS but a lot of places, think Motorapido, BSD, JHP can flash it to DP. May be your spare is already done. I *think* that map means it doesnt look for the flapper thingy, so you can take off or, as I did, disable it in situ