Is This Legal Or Dangerous

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Naughtyboy, Apr 19, 2022.

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    • Agree Agree x 2
  1. It's the claiming that the (fake) speed camera van is causing danger and not the speeding driver. The thought that one shouldn't be allowed to put up said camera, "be judge and jury" etc so another can have an easier time passing their own judgement on whether or not to allow themselves to break a different law.
    #102 Petsmith, Apr 20, 2022
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2022
  2. Exactly.
  3. I could give a long winded legal explanation as to how and why two or more people (known as joint tortfeasors) can be held liable for creating a danger, but “two wrongs don’t make a right” is also a handy aphorism which makes more or less the same point.
  4. Thankyou everyone for youre input on the subject its been an eye opener. I do respect everyone’s opinions. I think we are so lucky to have freedom of speech,and aloud to give an opinion,some people dont have that opportunity. God bless .its been emotional thankyou
  5. There but for the grace of (insert ficticious deity here) goes just about every one of us in this forum for some reason or another. All of us is are in glass houses chucking stones about for some perceived circumstance or another. I'm not condoning the Landlords actions, it is stupid and reckless, but what drove them to go to that expense? Is it simply the Landlord being a snidey git? Or have they been driven to it in exhasperation?
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  6. Totally agree,put in perspective its nothing compared to the ukraine.
  7. I think going back with a pot of paint and defacing it is in order. Its easy and quicker than pulling it down.

    Why does Ukraine have to sneak into every fkin conversation held now? The Nazi bastards were not admired much in the last war when they collaborated and murdered tens of thousands of women and kids in Babi Yar and other places. That is living memory not ancient history too.

    Sometimes justice takes a while, but it generally lands eventually, so many have no clue of the history of that country. Neo-nazism was an issue in Ukraine right up to the start of this conflict too, still - some of you keep flying their flag and virtue signalling eh?

    Two wrongs never make a right, but there are plenty of wrongs in this conflict on all sides.

    Talk about glass houses and stones eh? Leave em out of it. There are many other conflicts that have gone on and are still going on in the middle east and Africa, change the record and bang on about one of those and save some of their their lives.
    #108 HootOwl, Apr 21, 2022
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2022
    • WTF WTF x 1
  8. Wow powerful, look im no historical person but i think of my grandkids when i see it. But i would like to know how the british empire was made
  9. quite right, glasshouse syndrome for us in the past also. (off-topic and best continued on the Putin thread)
  11. Yes agreed,sorry about that
  12. it's your thread! - it's the "others"! :)
  13. Does make me laugh that some people on a Ducati forum are getting their knickers in a twist about naughty people breaking the speed limits. :joy:
    • Agree Agree x 3
  14. I know, how can a cardboard cutout bring out so much emotion in people,god help us:joy::joy:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. To be honest multi i could start a new thread, who is responsible for cleaning up a guide dogs poo, the owner or the dog.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  16. If you left it to the dog, the dog would eat it and clear it up itself.
  18. Ah but did the dog do it so quickly the owner didnt smell it and the got poo on his shoe.or did the dog run gome on two legs holding his arse and left the owner in danger ?
  19. If your dogs wearing shoes, then why is it shitting in the street?
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