Ebay - Wtf!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Jez900ie, Apr 22, 2022.

  1. I just sold something on ebay. I haven't done it for years, but I decided to sell a few things following all my ebay buying of old Honda stuff for my project bike. It inspired me in a funny kind of way...

    So the first item sold and I realised at the post office that my shipping charge was too cheap. No big deal, it actually made me laugh at myself for not checking properly. Got back home, logged on to ebay and uploaded the tracking number.

    Thats when ebay advised me that I have to give them my bank account details in order to get paid. I read through their payment conditions to find that by becoming a seller (again) and giving them my all bank details, it would also grant them permission to deduct money from my account! What the actual F*CK!

    I called them. A super efficient, friendly & polite woman talked me through their reasons. Basically they want everything their own way, and if you want to sell something you acquiesce. Or you simply don't get paid.

    So I opened another bank account to facilitate receiving monies from selling my items. I'll get paid -probably in 2 or 3 weeks which allows ebay time to refund the buyers if they don't like their purchases.

    So am I overreacting? Do you all give your bank details to some faceless California company who can deduct -possibly in error- your funds at any moment? Or did you all open another account and just think oh well? Or maybe you don't bother to sell anything at all via them anymore?
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  2. EBay is fucked. if you are a seller.

    i wouldn’t sell anything on that platform. It’s horrendous and exceptionally easy to get done over.
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  3. Yes I agree, but its also a hugely useful platform. There's no way I'd be able to sort out my little Nc30 without all the parts from ebay. Plus if the rip off were really happening on a huge scale, the sellers would have heard about it on FB/ Twitter/ Insta etc and stopped selling.

    I just am amazed that with all the bank fraud going on that this corporation demands everyone's bank details and the right to deduct funds at will from probably 100million people worldwide -or more!
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  4. Been like that for a while. I had a dispute with a buyer. Without going into details, eBay decided to refund the buyer and stopped payouts to me until I refunded them. They also wanted me to refund their fees which they would them refund back to me at a later date. I didn't like it so switched my bank account and closed the one they had details of. Never again.
  5. Yeah I get that it can be contentious from buyers or sellers on occasion and obviously mistakes will be made. But now they make the sellers agree in advance to allow them (ebay) direct access to their bank account. Its mad!
  6. Yeah we do all the work and they take all the money, it's been fecked for over five years now.
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  7. Agreed. I’ve heard this sort of thing a lot lately. It basically reads like the buyer can pretty much do whatever the fuck they want and the sellers getting it up the botty.

    a mate of mine got diddled the other week as it goes. Sold his iPhone explicitly spelling out it didn’t come with a charger.
    guy received the phone, then put a claim in and my mate lost :laughing: it’s ridiculous.

    it might take a while, but I can see this bringing eBay down given time. I used to not know anyone that didn’t use eBay. Now hardly anyone I speak to wants to touch it.
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  8. I used to sell a lot of my old bike parts on ebay,not any longer.
    I decided that my bank details were not going to them.They already are greedy,I am not letting them loose with my bank details.
    Ebay always comes down on the side of the buyer,even if it's obvious they are dodgy.
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  9. Y' know I figure with the separate account which has zero funds, that I will sell things on ebay until I get ripped off by virtue of a seller being a thief. Ebay wont be able to inadvertently remove huge quantities of dinero from my bank account as there will never be more than the last sale. If Ebay are hacked and these account details are stolen its not great, but that could happen if my bank were hacked too.
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  10. I still sell on ebay, and just adjust my prices to recover what they take.
    A lot of what I sell goes abroad via their Global shipping programme, which makes selling worldwide easy and gives you a huge marketplace for your goods.

    I usually get the email saying they've sent the money within 3-4 days.
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  11. I think you may well be right & this may have a hugely damaging effect on ebay. I constantly get cheap/ free fees offers from them to encourage more listings, perhaps its because many people have stopped selling already?

    I better get my skates on and buy everything I need for the Honda! Then again if I buy much more I'll need to win the lottery twice to replenish my bank account!
    #11 Jez900ie, Apr 22, 2022
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2022
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  12. Refuse to sell there any more. For this exact reason. And no, you are not overreacting
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  13. Sell lots on there. I have had a discrete bank account for years for this kind of stuff. Payment is normally day after sale. Never had an issue. Quite chilled about it.
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