in this weather you make your choice, but this what can happen.
Hi Richard...any explanation ? how fast, where, etc. or just some random pic ? Rock The Gear is better explained
I've had worse than that!!! Whole back!! and both arms, never went to the docs just bathed in Dettol three times a day and picked out the gravel.. Bikers now are weak!
I have had the gravel rash thing myself. Came off a push iron when I was about 8. Took the skin off both sides of my face. Spent a long time in hospital and was told I would be scarred for life. Luckily I healed eventually and became the handsome barsteward which I am today :smile: Seriously though, you do not want to be sliding along asphalt with no protection.
is it me or has this become a can of worms people seem to think some people are fixated with protective clothing to be honest more fixated about keeping my skin attached lol have to admit it has made for interesting reading
I hoped it was because I need to replace my jacket sometime soon and I was worried in case I started a new topic and it drifted off to being another one about satnavs or tyres.
Copying is a form of flattery apparently !!:smile: I'm just hoping that I'm getting Royalty's for all these cover versions of my thread ? :wink:
So what do we rekon then, if your ride in shorts your brain dead and stupid? Or maybe, if you ride in shorts and pop 125mph wheelies your brain dead and stupid (seen a few do it) or you ride in full leathers in 36 deg heat your brain dead and stupid, or you sit on the beach in 36 deg your brain dead and stupid, think for me I will just do what make me happy... Spent two weeks overseas and rode round in T shirt, shorts and sunglasses... brain dead, maybe, had a great time, too
Cleaned the 996 yesterday. Needed few things from shop plus to dry off bike under panels. Went to said shops in short jeans, T-shirt, sport shoes, lid and gloves. Was that liberating and was that still hot but this time engine heat I guess. It is the same kind off feeling I got when I undertook experience of riding without helmet for few miles just to see how it feels like. Nice in 31C