Bikes In Bus Lanes

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by GarySN, May 2, 2022.

  1. Done
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  2. Fairly certain that this is the case for Birmingham last time I dared venture there.
  3. Certainly is in Bath and parts of Reading. One, serious hazard for motorcyclists, drivers turning across bus lanes not expecting anything other than a bus in the lane. I can recall 3 incidents involving club members being wiped out by drivers looking but not seeing. I appreciate the convenience, not sure I'm prepared to advocate blanket access. Andy
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  4. The problem in London is that some allow bikes and others don't, as governed by the individual borough councils. Easy to find yourself breaking the rule without realising, or taking your eyes off the road every time you want to use a bus lane.

    Fair enough, but you're not obliged to use them. The petition is just advocating a consistent approach.
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  5. I signed in the hope of gaining consistency, I wouldn't even mind that much if an "exclude motorbikes from all bus lanes" was the conclusion as at least it would remove an area of doubt and time during a manoeuvring decision during riding.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Allowed throughout Bristol too, with a small number of exceptions. As above - got to keep your senses alert for left-turning vehicles...
  7. So much easier common London when they allowed access to bus lanes but as was said not all bus lanes included
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