Wonderful weather

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Richard 1200, Jul 14, 2013.

  1. Two things ----
    1. Fired up the Barby today again, 4th time in 10 days, 4 times more more last year and as many years as I can remember after 4 cans of San Miguel.
    2. Fed up with all the smug people in sunglasses driving around in their convertables. 50 weeks a year they have to put up with noisy, draughty, drippy, wet, interiors that can be accessed with a Stanley knife just for these brief weeks of sun. I have more respect or 4X4 drivers as they have many weeks in the winter to feel superior.
  2. I am starting to get a bit sick of burgers and sausages (3 barbies over the weekend) not sick of cold beers though!!!

    convertibles are great, I have had a few and wish I still had one at the moment, the kids used to love the school run in the hot weather with the hood and all the windows down. Winter drives with heated seats on, wind deflectors up are great.
  3. The only use for Nescafé or other instant coffee:

    Put a couple of spoons of Nescafé in a blender with a glass of cold milk and some ice cubes. Whizz for 30 secs.

    Pour back into glass (it won't all fit, what with the air now in it). Drink with a straw. This is the bizz and it won't have cost you 3 quid or whatever the Starbucks rate for these things is now.

    In this weather, coffee is out. Café glacé is in.
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  4. I still managed a Pret flat white at Bicester Village this morning, out in the sunshine, it was glorious, even better if Mrs CF hadn't of spent a fortune :mad:
  5. It's been snowing ( horizontally ) here most of the morning, not exactly barbeque weather ! I have never seen a convertible down here, but that's more to do with the road surface than the weather - the longest stretch of tarmac on the whole island is 7 miles long, the rest of the roads are mostly gravel / mud. 95% of vehicles here are 4x4's - and most of those are Land Rovers. Two weeks to go till I can go home and enjoy what's left of the summer...
  6. I want some snow.
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  7. Love the weather but I really cant be arsed riding my bike in it, would much rather be sipping Pimms by the pool than sweating in bike gear
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  8. I had a couple of nice 9.00 pm rides last week, rode for about 40 minutes and it was cooler and not much traffic around so perfect, but it takes some abstinance from the cold beers I need when I walk though the door at 6.30 pm, I was thinking about a ride tonight but a couple of cold ones are more tempting
  9. Get yourself down here Mel, there's loads of it... Ohhh, you can't - the airport is closed because of the snow !
  10. Nice to see the laydees not wearing much :upyeah:
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  11. Hell yess
  12. this is madness - my normally fridge-like house is indicating 29.6 deg C at gone 6 p.m.
  13. even great up here in the frozen north ,long may it continue :upyeah:
  14. hell yeah great weather
    except when i am at work in a workshop with a tin roof and wearing a boiler suit ......now i know why they call them boiler suits lol
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  15. No wonderful weather down here on the South Coast :frown:

    Just stinkin', miserably hot. Fecking awful weather :mad:
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  16. I can't believe anyone would seriously complain about nice weather.
  17. How many people on here are serious?
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  18. Some people aren't happy unless there moaning,it's a sign of old age! Now where's my shorts and tee shirt I'm off out on me bike.
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  19. im loving this hot spell, beats the bloody rain, i also have had a few evening rides, hope it stays for ever...
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  20. [​IMG]

    hardly any :) (post#17)
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