Who was the Rolex service guy from Ducatisti ???

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Carbon749, Jul 17, 2013.

  1. I'm sure there was a Rolex / watch engineer on Ducatisti. Does anyone know him? Is he on here ???
  2. Do you really take in in the deep sea? Or is the shower about as deep as you go? :wink:

  3. is that a euphanism?
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  4. Erm...very expensive watch...wouldnt you want it done properly?!

  5. Hope no euphonium.

    I do dive, but the watch is qualified to go muchhhhhh deeper. I love the watch for its engineering .... Certified to work almost 2 1/4 mile under water. Tremendous engineering to do that.
  6. Not looking for full service. Have a problem with the bezel, and would benefit from a clean and polish. Wear it every day, so picked up a few marks.
  7. Jeff st4rs is the one you are thinking of.
  8. Aye, and he thinks Rolex are a piece of shit. Not sure he will appreciate being called the Rolex service guy. Last time I spoke to home he was building £100k movements for some Swiss company.
  9. Mmmmm strange, the guy I spoke to on Ducatisti rated the sea dweller models, due to the engineering in them. He was not positive about some of the "dress" watches, but, sea dweller range was a different thing.

    Is Jeff on here?
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