1100 Did Something Completely Unexpected Today….and I Can’t Wait!

Discussion in 'Scrambler' started by spenny_b, May 8, 2022.

  1. So, I’ve been umm’ing-and-ahh’ing about adding another toy to the collection; something that sits in between the trusty, Labrador faithful and better than it should be R1250GS and the 748R. The GS is great. Love it. Can be chucked around and I don’t see it leaving me anytime soon. But it doesn’t give me that “tingle”…you know what I mean. Not interested in changing it for a Multi V2/V4, I like the old Panzer for what it is.

    The 748R I’m really getting into the groove with, now the forks and shock have been rebuilt by Steve Jordan, and a full setup done. Now we’re getting some nice weather, I’m finding my feet with it. In fact, rode it out today with my mate and had a cracking time. But…I think most will acknowledge that a) you have to be in the mood for it and b) in reality it’s best kept to 150 miles a day type riding, with a few coffee breaks in there to stretch the old limbs. I also don’t want to pile the miles on it too much, although I will always use it and not retire it to office display duties.

    So….I wanted something inbetween. That was my original brief, and like any good project, scope creep happened and I started to convince myself that an 848 Evo was a really good idea. I wanted something ball-tingly but a bit more user friendly than the 748. Yep, an 848 for sure…or maybe a 1098S, they look good value still. “No no no…that’s more of the same, dickhead”

    Ok, I always did LOVE the VTR1000 SP1/2’s…yeah, that’s a good plan…another modern classic, and being Honda, far more usable, right? Hmmm, not from what I’ve read. Homologation special means race bike with lights, if you want a road bike, get a Fireblade. Also commentary along the way saying its a solid performer, not *that* quick, and not as exciting as it’s 996 rival….and a nag at the back of my mind (maybe unfounded) that homologation may mean Honda parts supply isn’t good 20yrs down the line. Dunno. Never owned a Honda. This could also be more of the same in terms of a lovely thing to look at but not meeting my brief.

    I thought I had the eureka moment the other day. I spotted something that had never ever been on my radar. A Monster. An M1200S Monster, for sale at a local dealer….within budget, middling miles, right colour….ooooh….I’d better go and have a look. Which I did on Thursday. Just decided to go out for a ride and turned up (kind of) unannounced, if you overlook the unreturned phone message I left them. Well, after an hour of them prepping it for a test ride, it still wouldn’t fire up. Not a good start, but we agreed that I’d return today and try again. It was also a demo day at this dealer.

    So, me and my neighbour rode over, and there it was, all ready to go. Full Termi’s, unbaffled…this should be fun!! Did I enjoy it? Nope. Not one bit. I was deeply shocked. How could this be? 145hp, naked good looks, and a burbling exhaust to wake the dead. But…in the town traffic we had to get through, it felt so demented and hair-triggered, it was actually a bit daunting. Urban mode was better but the throttle just didn’t feel at all linear, and the brakes certainly needed new pads (lever almost to the bar, anyone?). The exhaust was just far too much, did my head in, even using the 2-3% throttle (exaggeration but actually it was very light throttle most of the ride) it was a headbanger not in a good way. I felt a right bellend riding it, pissed-lout-in-a-tracksuit kind of conspicuous. Deffo not the bike for me and couldn’t wait to get off it. Apologies to any Monster 1200 owners, no offence meant.

    They also had an 848 Evo, looked ok, high’ish mileage but in good condition….asked for a ride but rear tyre was too low for them to allow it. Dammit. Okay….to prevent the morning being a completely fruitless exercise, I then asked for the keys to something that had caught my eye on Thursday…their Scrambler Urban Motard. It reminded me a little of a one-off R-NineT that Bahnstormer did a few years ago, an homage to the La Rose Dakar GS. Two minutes later and I’m grinning from ear to ear. This is more like it!!! Slightly concerned with reviews criticising the brakes and “maybe feeling a little underpowered once the novelty’s worn off”, I was equally shocked that this didn’t feel like those reviews at all. Felt very well built, great fun despite the bike and tyres only being 62miles old. I was hooning at speeds that weren’t stratospheric and enjoying more than single digit percentages of throttle. I didn’t want the ride to end. Its the first bike like this I’d ever ridden, what a revelation.

    So, was this what I bought? Er…..no. Sorry, going to drag this little story out a bit longer….

    My mate just happened to comment that the seat shape, for him, didn’t really appeal. I said that there were other models in the showroom that had a more sculpted seat, so we wandered in to hand back the keys, get a brochure (yeah, right) and check out the other display models. It was then his jaw dropped, he pointed to it, my jaw dropped….and I felt that uncontrollable urge to reach for the wallet.

    I hadn’t noticed it the other day. God knows how not, but what was in pole position was a Scrambler 1100 Tribute Pro on a big yellow showroom stand. I was stunned…normally bikes are growers for me, but not this one. Everything about it I loved. I’m not really a yellow “anything” person, not bikes or cars. One very similarly coloured Specialized Stumpjumper back in 1999, I guess. Five minutes later my reserve deposit was placed, a financial discussion had and a smug wave of contentment when I saw three other people closely looking at it.

    My slight doubt is that apparently there simply are no 1100’s to test ride at dealers. I’m assured that they ride very similarly, and watching John from Bike Worlds glowing long term review video is reassuring.

    To my mind, I think I’ve nailed my original 3rd bike brief. Any journey that needs panniers, heated grips or cruise control will be a job for the GS. More hardcore head-clearing missions will be the work of the 748R…this will be my Sunday run out with my mates, just to enjoy the ride at a sensible pace, hopping from coffee shop to chippy via the pub and home again. The mate who I was riding with is also into his Monkeys; has 3, one of which is their latest mid-size bike (and very tame in comparison to his other stuff). He also has a z900RS. He still maintains that he gets as much enjoyment from the slow midsize Monkey as anything else…just enjoying the ride.

    Please tell me I’ve not dropped a clanger, and that the 1100 is a similar riot to the 800 Urban?

    Their workshop is backed up for about 8-10 days, but I’ll be informed of the collection date on Monday. I am literally hopping from foot to foot with anticipation. I now need to consider which accessories to spec. Front engine guard apparently is one, plus also thinking oil cooler grille. Will look at a 3rd party tail tidy and possibly bar-end mirrors.

    Dammit, gonna need a whole new set of gear now! (Shame…lol)

    Sorry for the ramble, just excited typing diorreah.
    #1 spenny_b, May 8, 2022
    Last edited: May 8, 2022
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  2. Wot no photo? Not even one? Didn’t you have your phone with you?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. The 800’s are fun but the 1100’s are much better. Particularly if you stick a full Termi race system on it.

    I should know. I’ve had the 803cc Classic and now I’m on my second 1100 (first being the Sport and last Wednesday I picked up the new Dark Pro) :)
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  4. I don’t think you’ll regret it, and if the weathers right it’ll be your go to bike every time. Absolutely love mine. Moto Rapido had a 1100 dark pro on demo that I borrowed while my multi was in for a service and despite the crappy weather I loved it and didn’t want to take it back.

    due to the short front mudguard the front cylinder head takes a hammering from stone chips so recommend the EP engine guard, also got the oil cooler guard and tail tidy to boot. Mine is a ‘19 Special so the number plate was on a hanger off the rear mudguard rather than the swing arm on the ‘20+ models.

    I considered the sport model with the Ohlins set up but preferred the look of the special with its spoked wheels, brushed metal and the price, if I upgrade to another the Tribute would definitely be on the radar.
    Just make sure you’ve got recovery because if you get a puncture your not fixing that by the roadside ;)
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  5. Sorry Raz.... typing typing typing then fell asleep

    Yep here you go. I honestly don't think (without looking like a pretentious arty type) the photos do it justice, looks far better in the flesh, but anyway...

    D1DB52EB-B366-4BDF-96E6-3504B1A51081.jpeg 583CC98F-8F17-4CD9-8201-890177800C4C.jpeg

    Just about got home in time to drive over to collect my daughter from her Saturday job.... told her about it, then she wanted to see it. Dealership didn't close until 6.00, so off we went again. Was actually a good decision; firstly because of this....


    But also with fewer customers now around, we got some of the paperwork done and workshop schedules booked.

    Look ok to you guys/gals?
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  6. Very nice indeed :upyeah:
  7. Ok, question….I know I said earlier that if it was a trip that needed heated grips, then it’s a trip for the GS, but I did see Ducati do offer them as an accessory; nice Ducati moulded ones to look stock. At something like £250 plus fitting!

    Worth going this route or going for Oxford ones? Oxford do an Evo set that have similar grip pattern but of course have “Oxford” moulded into them, and still need a slightly ugly (but looks to be smaller and more monotone) control unit. Kinda goes against the aesthetics unless I can come up with a cunning plan.

    Hmmm think I’ve just answered my own question really haha.
  8. Thanks!

    One thing I have noticed is that according to Ducatis official Scrambler pages, it should have round mirrors not the ones currently on there. These look to be the shape of the optional ally billet ones but they’re clearly plastic.
  9. I had ducati heated grips on my Scrambler Classic. I found heated grips just warmed the palms of my hand and left the back of my hands, and in particular my thumbs ending up like blocks of ice.

    I’ve gone down the route of heated gloves now. They’re a much better solution as they warm up the palms and the back of your hands and in between your fingers too. Much better and more cost effective too.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  10. That style mirror was on my 1100 Sport. The Dark Pro has round mirrors. I find the round mirrors give better and more rear viewing.
  11. Thanks El Toro, good advice. The heated grips on the BMW work well for me, but yes I suppose on the nippiest of winter jaunts out, finger ends don’t get warmed. I’ll investigate the glove option :upyeah:

    Interesting about the mirrors. T’is on the list.
  12. I’m in two minds about bar end mirrors, got round ones on mine and they suit better than the other ones I think.

    Heated grips are fine if you’ve got hand guards but if not then heated gloves are the way to go :upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Keis G701 gloves were being discussed on here recently. Look useful with their cuff battery pack option...
  14. JCB would be proud of that paintwork., enjoy.:upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  15. As El Toro

    I have had both 800 and 1100

    both equally As fun

    get the small Rizoma screen to make it easier on your neck T speeds above 80

    I had heated grips on both with no issue

    in the Winter

    I tried muffs as well to help - but heated gloves are better

    either Keis inner gloves or normal heated gloves

    The 800 you push a little harder but the 1100 is superb

    you won’t be disappointed
  16. Haha, I was thinking "Trotters Independent Trading" but it's slightly darker. And cleaner.
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  17. Thanks for the feedback chaps.

    Spoke to the dealer at lunchtime....mirrors are going to be swapped for the proper round ones (which to me look a whole more cohesive with the clock and headlight)

    The bad news is that it's not scheduled to be PDI'd until a week-on-Thursday with Friday 20th being the collection day!

    ....meanwhile I'm getting an Evotech shopping list together.....
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  18. As long as you don't having matching leathers then you should be OK.
  19. C1F4695F-7ADD-4569-991B-ACC21CB08290.jpeg
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