I thought that was a great opening episiode. Standard bunch of fairly intelligent people being made to look like a bunch of utter cut throat pirates :tongue:
I love the show, what a bunch of twats. Except for that Sophie, she would get it up the wrong un, no problem!
Hellcat would get my vote. I'm sure she would mix it up a little and tell that barrow boy done good how it was. Oh and since when the fook did Karen, I've been ht with the ugly stick, Brady know anything about running a business????? And don't tell me about how she ran Birmingham city fc. I'm sure she only got the job cause she gave good head
havent watched it for years. Like Big Broither, after series 2 it became a parody if itself and thereforeno longer watchable for me.
this 'final' is a total farce - even if she wins, Luisa Zissman will last 5 mins within the Sugardaddy empire (MOO)
@ Troy - Karen Brady knows enough to have made shed-loads of money... Do I detect a note of jealousy ?
Seems to me that this year the "candidates" were selected to make good television, not to have any useful end result. Why else would the producers let someone get on the programme if they thought that they didn't actually own the comapny that they want Lord Alan to buy into ? And how on earth can any of them have produced a credible business plan without having given any thought to a company name or corporate identity ? These are people that would have been laughed out of any local bank manager's office if they had asked for a business start-up loan. A complete bunch of nupmties !
errr, isnt that the whole idea of the programme. Its not really to make any serious money for the Sugarman, its just a massive PR exercise. Still good TV thou
"So, if you're a dickhead who knows nothing about running a business, has a crap idea that would get laughed out of Dragons' Den, but fancy being on television and living in a mansion in central London at licence-payers expense for three months, remember to apply to be on The Apprentice 2014..."