Great little bike. Afraid at my stage in life my buttocks would straddle it like a pair of throw over panniers
Yesterday OYB told me my parts to fix broken enduro headgasket £200; labour £2,800 or three days man power. Today recieved my lovely 58 plate mecedes-benz axor lorry & paid for 12x US5000 Pylontech 48V batteries!..somethings are good, others must be never brought again unfortunately.
Garage coming back together…10 tiles to fit when the few I need arrive, bit of skirting then build a workbench. Floor super easy to install. Skirting less so!
Yep Paul, OnYehBike aren't the enemy to me its just that the design of the bike means it can't be dealt with easily. And a weeping head gasket requires strip down of whole bike is how they explained it too me. I know I could get it done cheaper at other biker places but I can't risk it from a psychological perspective. To do the mileage & hoonage I do my friend'
Today is a “tidy up the garden before going on holiday” kinda day. Followed by a session with my PT this afternoon and dinner with the DOCGB local branch this evening
Loaded kit bag and paddock stand into van to take to mates for stillage pick up. Gets picked up for Thakenham today.
Helping to tidy up the garden didn’t start well. How was I supposed to know that plant was a flower not a weed when I pulled it up and snapped it in half.
Found out in one of the conversations with John my PT that Eileen Drewery (her of Glenn Hoddle faith healing fame) was his mother in law when all that shit went down and Hoddle was sacked from the England manager’s job.
What was the outcome of the new job offer, did you go for it? Sorry if you’ve updated this already, I’ve been busy recently.