While we are engaged in futile summer rants, I have noticed that car drivers often elect to wash their windscreen when I am behind them. Is this simple coincidence, does the panel think, or do they really get some enjoyment from spraying me with bugs and dirty water? Of course, if they do it on purpose it would imply that they actually look in their mirror. Seems perhaps unlikely, then.
It's not deliberate. There is no way on God's Brown Earth that they've seen you so it's entirely accidental.
Just another car design fault - I mean how difficult can it be to design washers that actually manage to hit both sides of your windscreen
Quite often-once a day?, once a week? Once a month. Your just having a go at us car drivers how unreasonable. If you were not sitting two inches off my bumper at traffic lights blipping your throttle thingy , waking me up , then perhaps I might be more considerate and think about looking for you as i drive around on my phone, music blaring, eating a Big Mac . just saying like, car driver POV.... :biggrin:
I love the cars where the washers direct the water straight over the top of the car, missing the windscreen entirely. Love those
You know it is designed like this on purpose. The faster you are going the more fluid will endup on your windshield. 0-30 guy behind you, 30-60 you clean ya roof, 60-90, you clean roof and top of windshield, 90-120 windshield, 120-150 lower part of windshield and engine bay at anything above 150 (boy racers with clean engines can testify)
When I were a lad some of us mischievous gits turned the near side jet around 90 degrees so that it faced towards the kerb. Oh how we laughed as various cyclists/bods standing at bus stops and coppers on the beat (remember them?) got a soaking.
Happened to me on the M4 the other day... Dumb bint in the outside lane, phone clamped to ear and completely oblivious to any thing else on the road. To give her credit she did pull into lane 2 after about 5 miles. Tsk!, what can you do?
its my favourite pastime for arse holes sitting in my boot ,mines is like a carwash from behind with the light washers as well, emptied my water tank the other day coming down the A9 mostly weeners in beemers tae never done it to a fellow biker tho
Same here. Lexus has a five gallon washer capacity, maybe ten gallons. Emptying that inc headlamp washers moves the tail gaters back a little! Only needed to do it four times on the m4 today....
Sadly, yes, I think some do it on purpose. Some really don't give a damn who or what is around them, and some just plain don't notice you... You just have to accept it as one of the joys of motorcycling...
Obviously Glid,you are now seen as Swiss which is nearly the same as French,who,as we all know,have personal hygiene probs.Bit of squirty,squirty......less odour.....job done!
been there done that lo did it on works van once didnt tell my workmate he accidentally sprayed through an open window of a riot van and soaked the driver oops did he kak his pants i couldnt stop laughing in passenger side lol
had a mate who did this in his Morris Marina. (Shows my age). he unfortunately died of a heart attact a couple of years ago... Was driving an articulated lorry at the time!! Was so funny when we were 20 years old!! Dippy git he was!
I am particularly fond of drivers who flick fags out of the window just as you are passing. If you're clever like me, you can catch them and throw them back. They like that a lot
If you are in your car and you cannot finish the burrito you are eating (because it is too filling), do not throw it out of the window in case it hits a biker and you lose your pet dog for a week. I learned that from Television