£92 soddin squid to inform the insurance company that I've put a set of Termi's on... These robbing gits are relentless!!!
I couldn't believe it when she said that over £30 of it was for admin! - Really? - Just to update the insurance database while I was on the phone, and send out a new policy?... Grrr!!!
After my accident and the bike was written off (Cat C) my lovely insurance company kindley withdrew their cover, leaving me to find insurance elsewhere.... Adding insult in injury they then charged me £50 admin fee for handling the cancellation, leaving fvck all in the way of a refund. Marvelous...
When I first insured my 916 on a 'custom' policy (better/cheaper cover for modified bikes) it included an agreed valuation. Initially the bike was covered at market value whilst they sent me a form to fill in with the mods and justification for the higher 'agreed' value I filled this in and suggested a value of twice the market value to which they agreed. They charged me an extra £3 odd for the higher value plus a £35 admin fee. A few years back I bought my Son a moped which needed 'restoring'. To make it easy & legal for testing I insured it in my name for the year, cost was around £30 (minimum priced policy) which was cheaper/less hassle than a monthly option. After I'd got it going and wanted to insure it in his name I was told by the insurance co that it was 'illegal' to have 2 policies on the same vehicle, so I cancelled the one in my name and then asked them if there was any refund to come back as I'd only used 3 months. Not only was there no refund but they actually wanted me to pay a cancellation/admin fee that was more than the original policy, although they did waive that after some 'discussion'...
Why?! Would we like to boycott a business for doing what every other business does?! The admin fee is a oain but they all do it and is it a biggie to add a modification and have it make a difference to the premium?!
sh1t that mate, carole nash was spot on the couple times i updated with mods on an r1 nd tuono factory, ebike had no additional charge eather when i fitted the akra system and fcr to the supermoto,
Almost as bad as when I renewed my insurance on my 20 year old VW polo a couple of years ago. I noticed that on the renewal notice that they had it down as a Boulevard rather than a Genesis (this is trim level which includes tartan seat fabric and a digital clock, both of which Im sure you'll agree are luxury items......and that's it) which was the spec it came up with when i gave them the reg number. I mentioned this and they said that as it had been insured for the last year as a Boulevard there would be a £30 admin fee and an additional premium of £1.72.....it seems that plaid seat fabric makes it more desirable to car thieves. I kept them on the phone for 2 hours repeatedly telling them to Foxtrot Oscar on an 0800 number and eventually they agreed to waive both the admin fee and the £1.72.....it was frustration but oddly satisfying.
This is Admiral. Won't be using them again... Fed up with these companies ripping us all off... When you unfortunately do have to claim they never pay full value!
Just moved to a nicer area. Got £75 back off the car insurance, and a "there's no extra cost..." From the bike insurance people. Now after visiting duc Manchester I see my bike is worth way more than (a) I paid for it, and (b) I have it insured for, but bollocks if I will risk the admin fee (and if I bin it, then my loss on the difference). insurance is like fruit machines, some win, some lose, but they are statistically fixed to win considerably more than they lose.
I must be one of the few people to jave had a bad experience with Carole Nash. Went with them on reputation rather than price. I had a few bits I popped onto the bike so notified them and got told Highway, who were the underwriters, didn't like mods so I would probably have to change to a different company.....anyway, long story short is that after they had failed to call me back on 3 occaisions I ended up chatting to someone on a Friday evening being told that someone should have called me back but unfortunately they haven't and there's nothing that can be done till Monday morning, leaving me uninsured over the weekend I decided they weren't going to get anymore custom from me.... Kicker in this is I ended up going with Ducati insurance, I could list the mods online and get a price there and then rather than be told they would have to refer it. They gave me a choice of 2 underwriters.....one of which was Highway! They didn't get my business either....
Checking car insurance the other day most companies have admin charges in the small print and it's up to £75 to make changes to your address!!!! and if you change cars through the year it's up to £75 for that too!!! I use and have done for many years the same broker and I don't get charged for any of that as I can just go in and change details Be aware these charges seem to be everywhere
I'm currently with Ebike and they don't seem to charge any admin fees for anything; I've changed bikes twice on a multibike policy and there's been no charge either time for that either. Mind you, what they'd be like in the event of a claim I couldn't say, and hope to never find out. It's high time motor insurance, which is a legal requirement for all (motorized) road users, was regulated by the government that insists on it's use; most insurance companies are ripping the piss when it comes to admin charges, automatic renewal price hikes, etc. There should be limits on admin charges, and limits on price increases where no changes have been made. One company auto renewed my policy but more than doubled the premium, then were surprised when I cancelled - for which they tried to charge...
I used to have an insurance broker in Romford, very helpful, friendly, obliging and cheap. Then he went broke. Haven't found a good one since.
I used to use an insurance broker in West Byfleet. Friendly company, always sorted me out (to be fair I had endorsements on my license before I even got a license, so it was never easy). But then I took a job where internet access was available and, long before comparison sites were born, my insurance went from £300 to £30 overnight. I wouldn't mind, but it was the same fucking broker