V4 Pikes Peak

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Steelboss, Oct 10, 2021.

  1. Nice one! What mileage did you get on original tyres? I'm 2k in and reckon will get 3k+. Only asking cos will be in France and had bad experience looking for rubber before in middle of nowhere :(
  2. Are you seeing V4PP for sale? I've not seen any. Got any links?
  3. He’s probably talking about 1200/1260’s I’d imagine.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Yep just PP’s in general, obviously you can add the v4’s to that in a year or so. :joy:
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. There are lots of all other PP for sale no V4PP. But I imagine if anyone returned theirs to the dealership the dealer could quickly offload it to someone else on the waiting list.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  6. Anyone selling a V4PP needs their head testing
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  7. Hi, my tank bag is a Kappa, the mount code for the PP is BF11K, hope this helps.
  8. I'll be honest, it's my biggest worry that prevents me from laying down that much cash on a pre-order. I really, really like the twin engine. I don't know if I would love the PP the way I love my 1200. So if one appears on the used market that I could test ride then I may be biting a bullet.
  9. I decided the £500 was worth laying out.

    Quoted a year delivery, can pull anytime and get my money back on my card within days, but have all that time to potentially get a ride on one, but if I wait until that happens, my place in the long queue gets longer...
  10. A year’s waiting list, interesting. Only goes to show what people really want is a sporty road going bike to tour on, not so much an off road type bike. Just makes me wonder how come they didn’t work it out in the first place.

    How many of those ugly Desert things are they expecting to sell?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Probably because they see BMW selling more GS’s alone than the whole of Ducati's sales combined, and I can guarantee most of those don’t see a muddy puddle, so there is clearly a bigger market for adventure tourers over sports tourers and so they have tried to tap into that, but maybe it’s a market no one will ever really break into and so should just do their own thing and let bmw get on with it?
    • Useful Useful x 1
  12. I don't think you can go on just the British market. Its only a small part of Ducatis overall sales and different markets have very different priorities.

    There is still a big issue with micro chips made even worse by a long war which will certainly get priority over vehicle markets.
  13. There's many options for touring on a bike, but trend dictates the ones who buy like the adventure style and BMW simply dominates. It's odd other manufacturers haven't managed to produce anything to really rival the GS, but they haven't. Other adventure styles only chip away at sales of the BMW.

    So, I actually disagree (sorry :D) thet people want a sporty bike to tour on, as there are loads of them. They want an adventure style and the Multi is the closest Ducati have to that.

    I had Ducati in my youth when seeking the best looking sports bike, then migrated to GS for two decades because they simply have the best adventure style bike. I got old and realised what I really wanted and migrated back with a PP order. The Multi is just a gap filler to test out reliability, dealer network, farkles and general ownership. After a couple of months I'd say all those fail miserably when compared to the GS, so at the end of the day it boild down to what you want and I want a Pikes Peak, but god knows why...
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  14. I was of the same way of thinking, initially. I’ve owned loads of twins (9 or 10 GS’s, a couple of KTM 1290’s, as well as the 1260 Multi), and also owned some IL4’s, and preferred the twin engine. But I was intrigued by the V4, and had read a lot of positive comments on here about the new Multistrada.

    I wasn’t blown away by the looks, initially, as you’ll see somewhere on here, and always wanted the SSSA and 17” front wheel the Multi always had. As soon as I heard about the upcoming Pikes Peak, I but my deposit down.

    I’m now really glad that I bit the bullet and just went for it. It was an expensive gamble, but I knew I could sell it if I didn’t like it, but I needn’t have worried. If you’re in a position to, put a small deposit on one, and forget about it. Then spend the next few weeks/ months test riding and researching.
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  15. I didn't buy a V4PP to tour (it went to the twisties in Germany in the back of a van). I bought it cos its a brilliant, comfortable, unbelievable all-rounder that can do the lot and I love it :cool:
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  16. There’s something about a GS that gets under your skin. They’re great bikes, probably the best all round bike you can buy. BUT, they lack character and soul, they’re almost too good in what they do. The V4PP is all about fun, those laugh out loud moments you have when you’re riding, which I didn’t have on the GS.
  17. I’ve bought mine to scratch around for the day on, take away for a couple of nights, and do big trips on. 300 mile days are a doddle on this bike. I like that I can just chuck a roll bag on the back, and ride it down to Italy. Which is exactly what I’ll be doing in a few weeks time!
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  18. There is a comparison test on the GS and the new Tiger 1200 in Bike mag this month. The BMW weighs a whopping 280kg in tour mode, that is one heavy bike. Even the Tiger is over 30kg less.

    And according to their figures the GS only does just over 40mpg so the V4 is not doing a lot less.
  19. 100%.

    The GS are becoming more soulless at each iteration. I just wanted something else and with the PP, I know I've chosen the best bike 'for me'.

    I'm glad I've bought the 950s to fill the gap too, so I won't be going straight from one to another (V4/GS), but actually upgrading at the same time.
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  20. And, I should say, there's a MASSIVE positive difference in the Ducati community too.

    Pop over to UKGSer, or on the GS facebook groups. They're bursting at the seams with 'experts' on everything BMW and also know more about any other subject than you. Most unwelcoming set of people I've ever come across - and I was one!

    Been here ten minutes and enjoy the banter, some really good advice and been out on one ride out already, with another planned.

    Apologies, back on topic...
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