Anyone (very) Recently Applied For A Critair Certificate ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Android853sp, Jun 10, 2022.

  1. Trying to get a CritAir cert sorted for the Monster before we head over to France and the web based application form won’t accept Euro 5 as a valid entry, seems to think a motorcycle can’t be Euro 5 complaint (which of course it is). Is there a trick I’m missing ? Andy
  2. A do what now ?
  3. A number of popular cities throughout mainland Europe have started prohibiting the worst polluting vehicles from driving through the city, just like Oxford in the UK. In France, 4€ gets you a vignette based on your CO emissions, gm/km, which can exempt you from the access restrictions. Andy
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  4. Just put Euro 4 in
  5. Didn’t like Euro 4 either, or 3 or 2. Frustrating :mad: Andy
  6. I got a vignette a few months ago (euro 4) - had a quick look at the site this morning and it wouldn't accept euro 5 or 6 but would do 4 and earlier.
  7. In fact just get to this screen and click order

    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  8. How is it enforced ?

    if it’s anpr, ignore it
  9. It's my understanding that it's enforced by the police (so maybe, maybe not).
  10. I got one last year, no issues but my SS is Euro 4, sorry that doesn’t help you but it was quite straight forward, well, easy really.

    Tried to get one for the Stag, absolutely no chance:D
  11. After another aborted attempt, picture size too big, it’s done. I really don’t understand why things have to be so difficult. Andy
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. You would think the French government could have arranged automatic picture resizing software. Our forum has it, so perhaps they need to call @Ducbird & @El Toro for some assistance...
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  13. Maybe they had the U.K. government advise on it…
    • Funny Funny x 2
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