Happy Memories Summer Of '76

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Carlos Fandango, Jul 19, 2013.

  1. We are into the third week of this fantastic weather and brings back memories of that amazing summer of 1976.

    I was 11 and we had 3 weeks holiday in France, I remember a ladybird invasion and the sand so hot it burnt your feet, when we got back there was a drought, we had to put bricks in the loo cistern and in some areas there were shortages and standpipes.


    off to Bournemouth on Sunday for the week and the temperatures are forecast to be over 30 degrees, lovely to see my kids finally experience what a hot British summer feels like - fantastic!
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  2. Eeeeeee... I remember it well... Kids today, don't know they're born ! :)
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  3. I remember it too
    We had just moved house I was 8 and the Tarmac on the pavements was melting as you walked on it.
  4. I remember it for a different reason! I wore contact lenses back then, and got so de-hydrated playing tennis, that one got stuck to my eyeball! Managed to get it out that night, but next morning my eye was so red and sore that a visit to the optician was made, torn cells from my cornea:eek: six weeks of not wearing my lenses and much pain for about 3weeks!
  5. I'm going to say it again coz I like saying it.

    "Happily flicking coke can ring-pulls like it's the summer of 76"

    Best summer ever :upyeah:
  6. Oooo ouch!!!! :(
  7. Optician had never seen anything like it! He was most surprised that I wasn't rolling about screaming ( only 14 at the time) and then just how quick ( in his opinion) I healed! Having my eyes lasered 10 years ago was nearly as painful, but I considered that self inflicted!
  8. Saw the Stones at Knebworth
  9. '76.. 1st year I got hayfever :frown:..........Still got it !
  10. I have a photo somewhere of my younger brother playing the fool in the water butt that my father had just bought to catch any rain that might fall. We had to share bath water and then my old man would siphon it out from the bathroom on to the yellow lawn on the other side of the house with a hosepipe.

    Strangely, I remember going to the Lake District for the first time that summer, and it was as green as a very green thing. No shortage of water there.

    I also remember that the summer of 77 was crap.

    After that, I remember nothing.

    Strange thread this. Only a few months ago we were all wondering if winter was ever going to end. A couple of months after that, plenty were saying that there wouldn't be a summer. Oh you fickle people.
  11. Blimey, playing tennis and wearing contacts at 14. You were posh. We had to occupy out time in '76 by melting ants with magnifying glasses and wearing plasters on out NHS glasses.
  12. I remember that being the summer of G&S Fibreflex, Trackers and green kryptonics, happy days!
  13. I remember getting caught shagging my girlfriend at the time, by her older brothers. 'twas a bit embarrassing to say the least :tongue:
  14. I remember the ladybird invasion. That was insane! The air was thick with them.
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  15. They fricking bit you as well, I can never look at ladybird the same way again, scarred me for life!
  16. I remember some little spekky kid trying it on with my younger sister. Bless him, that little bony arse going ten-to-the-dozen.

  17. Did you get bitten on the knob?
  18. Nah. I let him carry on with her.
  19. Probably did, we spent the whole of the summer wearing bugger all :biggrin:
  20. My mother always moans she was pregnant with me all through that summer. :(
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