All true. They need a court order to enter your property and to get one they need to have grounds that you are committing an offence. owning a TV without a license is not an offence. You own one because you only watch IPlayer, 4OD, Lovefilm etc, ie not live TV.
Hope you don't listen to the radio then. Awesome job doing your bit to closing one of the very last public institutions which drives value not just from profit but also the production of quality programmes for minority interest and such light entertainment as The Great Bake off which would never have got commissioned on a commercial basis. Big thumbs up to selfishness
More news emerging regarding the dodgy past of a sick individual: BBC News - Thatcher lobbied for Savile knighthood despite warnings
just goes to show that loads has saville sussed many years ago a shame indeed he wasnt dealt with while alive
Savile was a complex, probably very fucked up character. But he clearly wasn't 100% bad. I don't think it is likely that he did charity work as a Machievellian smoke-screen for his sexual appetites. I suspect that the willingness to raise money for charity was another facet to the guy - though I imagine that it gave him a kudos which went well beyond what he would have got for just being a DJ with odd catch-phrases and a strange taste in clothes. And I think he was very into the whole star system thing. So whilst he was clearly unpleasant in many respects, seeing him in black and white is something of an oversimplification. You can say the same about most people.
I think that may be putting it a bit simply. What people forget is that he was, along perhaps with Roy Castle, THE celebrity charity worker of his time. It would be really difficult to attack someone so popular without cast iron proof. And the say-so of a few young girls (perhaps some handicapped in some way) would not have been enough. There may well have been suspicions, but suspicions are not enough in a court of law.
Read the PDF's on the link to the BBC news article, Armstrong knew exactly what sort of person he was, because of his high profile charity fund raising and connections everyone turned a blind eye.
Heres a dilemma for those who see this as black and white sort him out early, therefore no fundraising etc allowing potentailly hundred/thousands/tens thousand/millions to suffer because the revenue wasnt here for research etc leave him, accept a few 'casualties' as part of the process sounds exactly like decisions made daily on intervening in Iraq, Iran, Vietnam, Cosovo etc this is why I wouldnt want to be a politician for all the money in the EU gravy train