The Motorbike Show

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Jul 20, 2013.

  1. Anyone watch it? He is an irritating git, but I kind of like the programme....
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  2. Agree, he gets on my nerves a right plonker, how on earth he has got on i don't know, but I still watch the program.
  3. Think he gets away with it on enthusiasm. Interesting that his style changes greatly between presenting to camera and VoiceOver (which is when he's at his most annoying). No one has been able to make a bike program which works very well (think "two wheels", "superbike" and "the bike channel") not sure why. Car shows have some right idiots presenting, but seem to carry it off.
  4. What makes me laugh is the introduction where he says he has made his living ( building, tinkering with and riding bikes all over the world ) He has a job to hold a spanner correctly, can't use one and has no idea what parts of a bike are called, PLONKA. But i still sit there and watch.
  5. I quite like Henry Cole, he can be a bit of a ponce though, however the US spec T120 he had restored was gorgeous
  6. Must have been embarrassing though when they couldn't find a single gear.
  7. I think the show is quite good, they have managed to pack a little bit of everything in there so far and it's always going to be impossible to appeal to everybody's taste. I liked the realism of the not being able to find a gear after the restoration, it would have been easy to edit that bit out, but as we all know that's often how it goes. I'm sure that Henry Cole's cack handedness with the spanners is put on for amusement purposes, nobody can be that pathetic :biggrin:
  8. If he was portrayed as twirling the spanners with speed, accuracy and aplomb while commentating eloquently at the same time ... he would be even more annoying.
  9. Who the hell is he as he knows sod all about bikes , i thought he was some sort of jurno who writes for bike mags but im not so sure, but i do like the program but i have to fast forword when he talks
  10. Did you notice the track day close ups he was riding round with his helmet strap undone,health and safety at its best.
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  11. I have just found out he has a fan club !! any body fancy joining ?
  12. Now that would be a tad sad.... Will find the page though!
  13. A fun programme, makes me chuckle... For a complete numpty though he seems to have done rather well for himself judging by the size of his house and paddocks on the last show! Tis better than the cafe racer prog on discovery.... Making seats out of wood via a chainsaw! Only in the USA lol
  14. Can't abide the bloke, his voice is so annoying. Perhaps someone like Jim Whitham would make the show more palatable.
  15. Watched it for 10 mins, its shite. Move along chaps.......
  16. I watch it from time to time
    Watching him spoke a wheel with a guy who does it everyday was funny as he thought he would win
    He is no different to some who don't have a clue about bikes takes all sorts
    I quite like him :)
    Just turn the volume down and put subtitles on
    I watched him doing his track day around Mallory
  17. God no i had to turn the sound down when he did the TT , he was a very good racer but a piss poor tv presenter with about as much presents as a 3 day old pork pie , now steve parish thats a man i could have a beer with
  18. Well, I was going to suggest the pair of them, but obviously ended up picking the wrong guy. To be fair though, either would be an improvement...
  19. Yeah but, yeah need a numpty as a presenter/foil for the experts to ask the basic/stoopid questions so all the veiwers who don't know don't feel condescended to.
  20. Who cares about the people that don't know..?

    Ok then, we need a thick presenter. How about Kelly Brook? Eh?
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