Sod all that ghey stuff! They should man up! A punch in the face and a kick in the baws was the correct greeting procedure in my day!
Thats what the teenage blokes do round my way, its like a sloppy handshake with an awkward man hug, looks bloody stupid, they all think theyre well ard and grown up FFS theyre only about thirteen !!
Well the teenage boys round here don't hug each other it's just the girls thank goodness ! If they did or start to It would annoy the fuk out of me ! Me thinks I am turning into a grumpy old git :wink:
If most of the people on here "got down wiv der kidz" and started hugging them, they'd probably get arrested !
We shared everything as kids in my road Most memorable thing was hubba Bubba or Bubbleliscious . I was not allowed to have gum or bubblegum as my Mum said it was common. ( I loathe the stuff now or chewing in adults or children still). However if your not allowed something as a child and your friends were then you tried it. The children I played with used to stick their bubble gum on the street sign at the end of the road. So there was a row of different colour blobs stuck to the sign. At various points of the day or even the next you'd go back collect your gum off the sign and carry on til it was spent. However it could collect ants and stuff but you'd get them off. The great thing was someone could have lemon and you fancied a try of lemon Flavour. The rule was that was fine help yourself and just stick your bit on the sign! So basically it was a gum free for all help yourself to ant riddled 2 day old gum off the sign . Just make sure you replaced a bit or if you were me it was fine as I was not allowed any I was not even allowed the gum out of the Star Wars card packs . But I smuggle the odd bit of Bazooka Joe .. But was always fed up as you could never send away for the cool stuff on the packet as it was in America Yes we shared gum... But we never hugged !
I don't want to be hugging my mates. At the very most its a handshake, but that's only when they get married :tongue:
How's this for a rule of thumb. If the kids come to you and want a hug, it's always good to welcome them. But if you go looking for the kids to give them hugs, that's not so good.
My dad who I love even though he is an idiot, has resorted to hugging when ever I go to see him!. If he thinks this sudden show of affection will stop me putting him in a home he is sadly mistaken.