999 Brembo 19rcs Positioning

Discussion in '749 / 999' started by TheJackal, Jun 23, 2022.

  1. It’s been at the back of my mind for a while now and although it’s not a safety issue (brake pressure is good) I would hate to pull back on the lever and hit metal!

    Photo describes it best:


    OEM bar length and OEM positioning pins on the former means I’m running the RCS on the other side of the switchgear. Problem is of course that the angled throttle assembly means that the RCS lever can potentially the housing if there’s an incorrect span adjustment or lack of brake pressure.

    Thought about going down the aftermarket clip-on route but just wanted to hear people’s thoughts on how they’ve dealt with this (if at all) using OEM clip-ons.
  2. I fitted an RCS19 to my 749 recently. Will get some pics later.
  3. Thanks for everyone's input!

    I must say that integrated start/kill switch does look sexy but its stupid money for what it is.

    The thinner stop/start would give me more wiggle room but ultimately the problem is the angled throttle housing. I do have a spare Active and also an Accossato quick action throttle lying around although if memory serves me correctly they're both on the chunky side and will of course require appropriate length cables. I think the smallest one I've even seen is the Domino XM2.

    The aftermarket clip-ons have longer bars than OEM which means I can switch the position of the start-stop/ignition switch and the RCS itself. Can't do that on OEM as the switchgear would be too close to the fork.
  4. Looking at your picture, has the RH switch also got the light switch built in to? I have fitted 916 throttles to 999 in the past. Single cable, rather than push pull and with the cable run over the top of the master cylinder, rather than under it as per the stock setup. Quickens the throttle up to.
    If you just need a stop/start unit for the master cylinder, look at GPT rather than BSD. Much better pricing. I run one on my 899 and it works a treat.
  5. Yeah it does, fair point!

    What's the clearance like when running the cables over the top ?
  6. Lever is good, doesn't touch the housing!

    But bloody hell, those switchgear look sexy! Ducabike even do one that has the light function although its ever more expensive than the BSD.
  7. I could not live with that. End of.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. As promised:

    RCS19 on 749 trackbike.
    Standard switch gear but positioned as outboard as possible.
    Single cable throttle (not sure what from but doesn’t have fast idle button). Rotated to best clearance position.
    It IS possible to pull the lever really hard and get it to kiss the throttle housing but by that time you’d be over the handlebars. I am slightly concerned so may move switch assembly to LH bar before next trackday.
    I used it as is last time out and it was fine, only need a single finger pull.
    8E2AFEF6-9F5D-4EBD-8005-6C207696CE64.jpeg FA3C7CC9-1189-463F-B500-1326E2D2D6A7.jpeg

    For reference, pukka solution applied to 1098R using an €80 billet switch from WRS: B1670039-E8B9-401B-B0D4-73056116F0F3.jpeg
    #9 RickyX, Jun 23, 2022
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2022
  9. I don’t know as never owned a 749/999 but on my 959 I removed the dowels from the clipons to allow me to reposition the switchgear.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Interesting here to see what looks like OEM throttle housing rotated over the master cylinder. I would assume the pins were removed from the standard clip-ons.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. I've got Brembo radial masters on all my bikes and both the 916 and Monster have the older, narrower starter/kill switches (as used on the '90s bikes) and 916 throttles but to avoid the brake lever hitting the switch I modified them by cutting off the side cable exit and routing the cable directly out of the body of the switch so that I can get the lever nearer to the throttle - works fine.


  12. utter, utter dark horse is that Richard.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  13. Thanks!

    Only issue with the older 90s style switchgear is that the 999 also integrates the headlight controls on the right. I actually have a few spare Honda ones that are similar and could be adapted but I’d loose the headlight controls.
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