V4 Pikes Peak

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Steelboss, Oct 10, 2021.

  1. I 100% get this, the delay was really starting to take the shine from anticipated new bike delivery.

    I can say this though, after one decent ride, all that went away.

    Stay on course!
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  2. Could you not have sold your slot to someone else?
  3. I guess - its relatively late in the biking year - so unless you have a July date - It maybe better to wait till next March?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. Didn't think about it. A 2023 bike, just happy to get my deposit returned.

    Love everything about it, but can't be arsed with the rigmarole to be honest. Like a lot of things at the minute and it's a toy at the end of the day. My current one is good enough for the time I spend in the saddle and I decided I've better things to spend the twenty grand I would need to add, which I can enjoy now.

    I remain envious of those with one and no doubt I'll kick myself, but it's done now.
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  5. Late? The weather is good at least until the end of October, so there’s at least another 4 months of decent riding ahead.
  6. It’s a shame, as you’re missing out on an incredible bike, but if you need the money for other stuff, then fair enough.
  7. I don't need it, I will use it for things I can have today, let's get that straight :blush:

    The 'you will never buy one unless you stay in the queue' will fade in time and by then all the glitches and recalls will be ironed out.

    I will own one, but just not yet. And I know I will be missing out, but the balance isn't enough to counteract the palava.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Well I have just been told mine has now changed to dispatched :p:motorcycleduc:
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  9. The lead times will reduce and second hand ones will become available after the summer ... see how many V4S’ are now for sale in the last few days, new and second hand.
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  10. We shall see. With so few registered, I’d be surprised if anyone sells so soon, but if they do, don’t expect any bargains!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Cant find it as it has been taken down already but there was a 2022 PP for sale on eBay, £30k. Assuming it has been taken down as it was sold straight away.
  12. This isn't allowed. Ducati make sure that it's going to the name on the list so that the other people waiting get bumped up rather than someone pushing in. Ferrari sussed this out years back and Ducati have clearly been watching them (a lot of ideas and communications are very similar now between the two)
  13. I would say that post was a bit of guff, to further enhance ownership of the impossible to get hold of machine :D

    The bike isn't elite, it's production is stuck due to a global issue with parts (and demand of course).

    My dealer has twenty on order, not 20,000.

    "Hi, I might get a motorcycle in a year, could you give me a grand for my ticket" doesn't really wash.
  14. I’m saving to pick one up when the PCPs end in a couple of years, so look after them you buggers!!
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. Comimg from a 1260 Pikes Peak I am in the “difficult” position of having options next month. Either the V Twin S or the V4 Pikes Peak. Ordered both many moons ago and my thinking was have the V twin as an interim bike till the PP eventually arrived. Now told both should arrive together next month! What a nice dilemma.
    Obviously save loads of money taking the V twin and have a really capable bike but then would I always regret not having the excellence of the PP.
    Any helpful thoughts out there?
  16. Yes, buy a Himalayan and save a huge wedge for strippers and blow. Sorted.
    • Funny Funny x 4
  17. Not a very good comparison tbh. Only you can decide what suits your riding style.
  18. I might be able to help here, albeit based on limited mileage with both a V4 Sport and V4 PP.

    A mate let me take his V4 Sport to the TT as my PP was ‘late’. My bike turned up last week and has the grand total of 200 miles so far.

    Let’s be clear, both are fantastic bikes. Same engine and gearbox but there’s some clear differences in the handling. The Sport is very easy to ride, very predictable handling. The suspension is compliant and I felt comfortable straight away. I wasn’t ever aware of the 19" front wheel until relatively high speed direction changes. The bike felt like it needed a fair bit of muscle compared to the 1260PP.

    The V4PP steering is quicker/sharper. The suspension noticeably stiffer and a bit more ‘choppy’. This suits me as most of my riding is back roads. The brakes have a lot more bite and feel more progressive.

    I’m delighted with my PP, at this point I’m struggling to think what more I could ever need, but I said that about the 1260PP! I will say this though, if I’d never ridden the PP, a standard V4 would make me very happy.
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  19. Sorry, I’ve just read your message again, you haven’t ordered a V4 have you?!

    It’s been a long day.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. Aren't they the same on both the V4S and PP ie same Stylema calipers, same pads and same disks?
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