Wayne Rooney in the TV and Radio News

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wroughtironron, Jul 17, 2013.

  1. Glidd's statements are all true, it all makes perfect sense but then his conclusion .... still so very wrong :wink:
  2. ...........or as he is a bit of an old woman, maybe washed his underpants with C & A on them
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  3. You've got to get into Ashes cricket, Loz. It's like following a soap opera - arcane and tedious if you're not tuned in, but exciting and full of plot twists if you are. And the TMS commentators are a hoot.
  4. I'm sort of following it via the BBC website but there's this work thing going on where I'm required to earn my salary. Mind you, not that having a job is anything that should be mentioned on a bike forum.

    Oh. And not that cricket is anything that should be mentioned on a bike forum.
  5. 5 day cricket is more boring than a ride to Boxhill. Yawn
  6. Not sure that you should be yawning on a bike forum.
  7. Yes bradders - but five days of cricket is still more interesting than five micro-seconds of Wayne Rooney !
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  8. I suppose that is an attempt to prove that 22 blokes kicking a ball about is interesting just because one of them is slightly better at it than the others ? Personally I find football slightly less interesting than watching paint dry, and find the amount of money involved in it truly outrageous. Just my opinion, obviously...
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  9. And it doesn't actually matter if that baldy moron is good at the game or not - he's still a thick. boring twat !
  10. Rooney's good at football now? They kept that pretty quiet!
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  11. Oh. And not that cricket is anything that should be mentioned on a bike forum.

    Ah you cant beat the thwack of leather on willow on a glorious sunny summers afternoon.......anyway enough of my sexual preferences, who is this wooney bloke anyway
  12. Nicely summed up. He'd probably get fired from the shelf stacking job after putting all the low fat products on the floor...well, they said low on them

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  13. You're not wrong there, that's for sure.

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  14. Is this the Wayne Rooney who wanted to play rugby cos he heard they used hookers ?
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  15. What a waste of a thread
  16. Who made you read it ?
  17. Myself :)
    Rooney..... Not my favourite person
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