BBC News - Michael Adebolajo 'attacked in jail' Two front teeth? Small beer for what he did! Hope he lives a life of it!
He'll probably meet bigger, meaner, nastier people than he is in jail. And then he won't have much fun.
as long as he doesn't tell them that if he gets raped in the shower it'll tern him into a timid subservient wretch he should be ok. I think he got off very lightly.
And now it turns out happened when he was being restrained and he lost two teeth... The prison Officers been suspended . Well I'm sorry I work in an environment where sometimes and it's even had to be police have had to restrain. One of our poor ladies got cornered and strangled. You restrain " carefully " as possible to stop them getting hurt or you or others. There is protocol and training but sometimes things are so fraught things happen and usually not intentionally . Sorry but he's probably kicked off over something given the bloke killed an innocent man in cold blood are you really going to mess about if he goes into one ?? Er no! But as usual the whole story not being given Quite frankly the guys got a nerve as what he did was not human ! Why should he be treated with kidd gloves ?
So we should have a fair trial, then maybe an appeal for unfair trial due to media coverage....oh dear. Sometimes proof is over whelming, 100% irrefutable. If you cant find a pitchfork I feel sure we can cobble together a lynch mob for this one.
There will be a trial and hopefully a fair one. However, standing up in front of a load of camera-toting eye-witnesses with blood all up your arms admitting you did it isn't a great way to start a defence. Guilty verdict is clearly a foregone conclusion. People have been beaten up by screws for a lot less than this.
If we stop giving everyone a fair trial we descend to a level where I'd no longer want to live in this country. He's going down for a long time and he's going to be beaten within an inch of his life on numerous occasions which is as it should be but he *must* be seen to be tried properly and given an opportunity to defend himself in a court of law.
Like you say ... Hmm can hardly say " I didn't do it bruv". I'd rather the money spent on a trial be given to Help for Heroes. Yes everyone is entitled to a fair trial but can't argue he did not do it. Waste of money .
Slippery slope, Mel. You either give everyone a fair trial, or you are already condemning before the trial - by deciding who merits a trial and who does not, which would be crazy. Indeed, in the States, the idea of plea-bargaing is responsible for umpteen injustices. In this system you say "I did it" to avoid a double or quits situation. If you don't, and demand a proper trial, you'll either get off, or be found guilty. If found guilty, you get a much stiffer sentence. So people are encouraged to plead guilty, often for things they didn't do. It's a "Are you going to take the money, or open the box?" scenario (to quote an old game show). In what way is this justice?
He deserves and will get a fair trail as he's not being held on terrorist charges as far as Im aware. In regard to the screws knocking out his front teeth as they were restraining him. Prison is a violent place, but without knowing all the facts, Im going to believe they were just doing their job in restraining him and I doubt they went in all studs showing straight from the off
Agree there.... He must have been doing something wrong to be needing to be restrained anyway - Got no sympathy for the dickhead anyway... Hopefully a few more kickings heading his way over the next few years!