Happy Memories Summer Of '76

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Carlos Fandango, Jul 19, 2013.

  1. whippersnapper :smile:
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  2. I did and that's when her brothers came in the living room :eek:
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  3. Summer of 76 i was on holiday in the Lake District at the age of 10, the lakes were so much smaller then ! You had to walk out on the dry beds to get to the water. Had good fun skimming stones, still do and I'm still better than my kids !
  4. I was 10 in 76. What an awesome year! Half naked playing Cricket on the green, and loads of other shenanigans!! This weather is a reminder, but we didn't get all the pussy talk of covering up, and sunscreen back then... Us oldies are clearly much harder than the young, Molly coddled youth of today!... Was the best summer I Can remember! :upyeah:
  5. WTF? Are you serious? How did you survive that?!
  6. He has a sore bum as a memory... :eek:
  7. Yes I am serious.

    They just looked, gulped, went out of the room and burst out laughing! It was hard looking them in the eye after that and it was never mentioned again.

    However she did go on to become the first Mrs El T.

    And if she'd continued to do those things she may still have been Mrs El T. :biggrin:
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  8. [​IMG]
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  9. Knebworth in '76?
    I was there....didn't rate the sound,but good time had...
    And ragging to Gt Yarmouth on my Suzuki T500,virtually everyone on RD350/GT380-550/T500,tee shirt and jeans,open face helmet...my 21st birthday spent camping with mates in the dunes at Hemsby,10 pints at the Lacon Arms..great days,none of this bloody finger wagging 'cos you're not wearing CE approved armour and a hi-viz tabard...:biggrin:
    #29 Lightning_650, Jul 20, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2013
  10. I was four ,think ma mum says a was a wee bugger :biggrin:
  11. I was an Instrument tech for BOC. Everybody had to muck in to dig the ladybirds out the intake for the Air compressor. The room was about 10ft square and when I stepped in the ladybirds were up to my knees. The filters filled one wall and they were completely blocked. Caused the plant to shut down of course simply couldn't suck any air in.
  12. I spent the entire summer working in an ice-cream shop on the Island of Arran off the west coast of Scotland. It rained the day I went there and rained the day I left about 7 weeks later but was sunny and dry the rest of the time. I certainly sold a lot of ice-cream that summer!
  13. We had to get our water from a standpipe for about a week. Me and my brothers stole a labrador that year; the owner used to beat it, and kept it tied up in the middle of the garden with no water all day, poor bugger was a right mess:frown: Our nan lived just round the corner but was away on holiday, so we broke in and put the dog there, taking it in turns to feed and walk it.

    Got a right slap off the old man when he found out, but when we explained why we'd nicked it he went round and decked the bloke! The dog stayed with us til it died 8 years later.
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  14. I was there in '76....only just though! My first summer and I can't remember a damn thing!
  15. I was finishing the first year of my apprenticeship in the summer of 1976 and though I went to Knebworth my memory suggests it was pretty crap and Lynyrd Skynyrd were the high point for me.

    Records suggest 1977 wasn't as hot but I started racing that year so to me it was miles better even though I ended up spending 8 weeks in hospital after some close up action with a rusty Renault left me in a bit of a mess.
  16. Was the year the gurkhas threw my Dad's watering can off the neighbours roof....Now there's a story...:wink:
  17. Where I lived in 76 there was a plague of ladybirds .
    As a child I was usually found in a river or pond fishing stuff out or looking for some kind of critter .
    Well I decided to fill my pockets with ladybirds .
    I then went to sleep in bed for an afternoon nap .. Lets just say I was not popular with the amount of flying insects in the bed and house .
    Worse then when I let a whole bucket of snails loose in my Dads front room and they ate his cheque book :(
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  18. '76 was the year that I broke my leg falling off my BSA C15. My mate in his car in front had taken then keys out of the ignition in his VW Passat going down a hill towards Petersfield. He only found out at the next sharp bend that it had put the steering lock on! Needless to say the VW braked more efficiently than my BSA. The same could also be said for my leg. Spent the rest of the summer in plaster from ankle almost to hip. On the plus side I used to hop up the pub on my crutches for a ploughman's and a few pints...all of which were delivered to me. Then used to career back home and sleep it all off on the lawn of my parents' house. When weeks later they took plaster off, the rest of me was very tanned after roasting all summer ....except for a very white and skinny left leg :eek: :smile:
  19. Great excuse for having failed to pay your bills - "The snails have eaten my chequebook".
  20. In 1976 I would have been 12 years old. We lived in a cul de sac with a small green at the end, big enough to play a decent game of footie. One day I was laying on the edge of the green watching every other kid tear around - it was killer football, I'd been knocked out in the previous round - and the neighbour reversed his truck straight over me, running a red hot exhaust straight up my leg. He stopped the second I started squealing and rushed round to extricate me, only I was welded to the exhaust...

    Anyway, he carried me to the house, still squealing, and my mum laid on the healing hands as mums do - yep, calamine lotion...

    An hour later he reappeared with the entire contents of the local sweet shop! If the average wage then was twenty quid he must have spent fifteen of it on sweets. It was like Willy Wonka's round my gaff for months, I couldn't give them away quick enough, and of course everything melted into one huge sweet, from which you'd tear a chunk off and hope to avoid most of the wrappers.

    I've still got the scars now. And the puppy fat:upyeah:
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