early 999s in yellow 10k miles ending at 10pm today i might throw in a cheeky bid but vendor has no paperwork https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/275364163376?ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649
That's very cheap (at the moment!) for a 999s... Makes my loins twitch in yellow... Thank fu*+ I'm skint.
he wont tell me the reserve and its missing all books, paperwork etc but the v5 does confirm its a factory mono
His reserve will be a lot higher not sure why sellers set the reserves so high just put the start at the lowest you’ll go/want.
He's seems a bit retarded as no mention of desmo service recently, without he's on a £1000/1500 hiding on price
5100. his 748 didnt reach reserve earlier today either. he said he will put them away until next year because noone is serious!
This 899 Panigale first picture advert did make me laugh, get yourself noticed with something different. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/185474372696?hash=item2b2f225458:g:PZQAAOSwwxtiwhT8
@DucatiScud Yes considering what we pour into the petrol tank these days, it's small change for any Ducati owner.
To be fair, I've not listed anything on the bay of fleas for quite a while I am, however, watching a few potential acquisitions on there
I can't seem to sell anything on there anymore, a total waste of time and effort listing stuff these days in my opinion.
Back on track with this Panigale v4 sp, comes with a tracker, anything over £19,995 needs one for insurance purposes. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/175331990666?hash=item28d299dc8a:g:-9QAAOSwwb9iuA72
I thought all S models had single seat units attached from the factory unless changed by the rider at somestage?, 998s. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/18548895...rentrq:cd8aaab41810aaeca940c971fffaf76e|iid:1