I am starting to think so. During the ride out from Herts to Norfolk yesterday I was running 2nd bike on the road. Approached a roundabout and bike 1 went, there was traffic so I had to stop. Next thing was what I can only describe as a girly scream and a massive thud as my mate decided to park in the back of me. Thankfully it was wheel to wheel so no damage done to my bike (else he would be in hospital right now) but he did admit his attention was taken with either his Scala or Drift Camera. I didn't think much more of it until about 4 hours later my neck was hurting and I will still 50 miles from home. It got that bad I was riding with one hand under the chin bar trying to take the weight of the helmet off my head because it felt like a lead weight. Still pretty sore today too but guessing it is just where I have jarred my neck. So whats everyone's opinion? Are these gadgets as bad as mobiles or just a bufoon using them while riding?
Funny we were talking about this today. Allegedly a guy we know from local meet who died last year, was on the phone on his bluetooth, misjudged a corner and hit the truck coming the other way. Personally, I'd have been just as likely to whack youu p the arse if you stopped suddenly because, in town, the summer brings out tits and ass and I find that more distracting than anything else
I have a Tom Tom rider I use but I do not wear a scala headset or link it to My phone . If I'm riding my phones off. If you need to make a call pull over and do it .. Bad in a car but while riding a bike you need more wits about you. I won't even listen to music on my bike as I like to hear my engine . I don't use Bluetooth in my car either again if its urgent il pull over and call back. But I do enjoy music in the car.
Anyone with an intercom or a Bluetooth is a confirmed COCK and should be punched senseless then laid out on a motorway. "PC Nob to PC Cock, do you read me?" - "Roger you PC Nob" - "Mmmm Cant we have a bacon butty first at the layby first PC Cock?"
Ridding a bike for me is escapism and requires all of my attention. Linking your phone and taking calls whilst riding defeats the whole point. Lets face it the calls are usually not important and from people of less importance who you are trying to escape from in the first place.
Anything that distracts a driver or motorcycle rider is a recipe for an accident. Don't 'kin talk to me about people with their f-in phones, sat-navs, I-pads, I-pods, I-'kin this and that..........'kin morons walking arounds with their eyes and ears permanently glued on the bloody things........ .........sat-navs............shouldn't be driving if you don't know where you are going. .........felt like clocking a git in the filling station yesterday..........Aged about 30, spiky gelled hair, those stupid trousers cross between shorts and combat trousers, phone glued to his ear and jabbering away on it while the attendant was trying to serve the c***.............What is so f-in important thay you have to be on the phone in a filling station or in the f-in supermarket? "Shall I buy Asda own brand baked beans or Heinz?"...................'kin hell, just buy some f-in beans! Breeding a nation of dumbf**ks who can't exist for two minutes without some sort of screen in front of them.........
Same principle and attention to the road required. How many naysayers here have ridden with music on or taken a call while riding? Just curious... FWIW, I'm not a fan of taking phonecalls when driving or riding as I do find it harder to concentrate either driving or riding. But I find that having an intercom conversation or music on whilst riding is not significantly detracting unless really pressing on.
I talk to myself while riding Phone stays in my pocket till I reach my destination No music either I don't need any distractions I'm going with buffoon
Whilst riding this is my tune. And what a tune................. The first, the last, my everything And the answer to all my dreams You're my sun, my moon, my guiding star My kind of wonderful, that's what you are I know there's only, only one like you There's no way they could have made two You're all I'm living for Your love I'll keep for evermore You're the first, your the last, my everything And with you I've found so many things A love so new only you could bring Can't you see it's you You make me feel this way You're like a fresh morning dew on a brand new day I see so many ways that I Can love you till the day I die You're my reality, yet I'm lost in a-a-a a dream You're the first, the last, my everything I know there's only, only one like you There's no way they could have made two Girl you're my reality But I'm lost in a-a-a a dream You're the first, you're the last, my everything Mmmmm, mmm sweet sounds for riding :wink:
Music is on in the car, phone might ring but won't be answered, leave me a message and I will call back. We do have an intercom for the bike, but its just for quick info ( need a fag/wee whatever) but no phone or music! The sound of the engine is the only soundtrack I need!
I dont listen to anything whilst riding. So I learnt all the words to SDJ's Candyman and Gingerbreadman so I can sing it to myself when im out riding to work. Only cos my wife forbids me to play it on my LG soundbar. What is DLNA and modern technology for?
I spend half my driving life talking on the phone, the ouer half texting emailing or facebooking. Its all I can do riding to trying avoid thise pricks who are facebooking, emailing, texting and making calls while driving to even listen to music
No music or phone when I'm on the bike. Will listen to the radio in the car, but biking uses up more attention than driving so don't want music even for tedious motorways. Other half and I have radios if we're riding together - generally for "need fuel/tea/loo" or if he is using the satnav, for him to relay directions to me if we're haded somewhere unfamiliar, or for "watch out for gravel on that corner/potholes/idiot in red Audi etc" warnings.