Booing The Kicker

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Jul 2, 2022.

  1. They were cheering immediately it happened. No way of knowing if LH was injured or not.
    Uncalled for in my book.

    There seemed to be a lot of Orange in the stands - I guess Austria is reasonably close to Holland, but still.....

    Unless loads of them have jumped on the bandwagon to support MV (or just give LH a good cvnting).
  2. Lewis isnt even Max's rival atm. Charles or Carlos are.
  3. So fuck all then basically. It’s staggering how we’ve got to this namby pamby hurty feelings point. Incredible.
  4. No Mary, they were also being racist and homophobic. One lass had to escape to the pits by all accounts to get away from them. Thats not cool.
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  5. Absolutely no chance he was injured. They were cheering LH’s misfortune. That’s all. Just like the Silverstone crowd cheered Max’s misfortune the week before. Not something I would do myself but hey ho.

  6. 60000 of them apparently :astonished: imagine it was reduced to base level footy “stuff”
    have to admit some of the pics of the drivers coming through the smoke were pretty special
  7. Pissed up loutishness. Not cool but so what? There was a full on fuck off brawl at Silverstone the week before and I believe people were admitted to hospital. Soon kicked into the long grass though. It’s odd how the media only go apeshit on wokey stories.
  8. I’d not heard about the scrap. 2 hospitalised. Blood and ear bites reportedly. Friday.
    Bloody dangerous sport this motor racing malarkey. :p
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. There's always a chance and until he confirmed by either radio or getting out of the car, they wouldn't know.

    But I must admit I do like the driver and crowd rivalry - it's all got a bit boring of late so a a bit of spice doesn't hurt.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Your men, ie Murdoch, Barclays etc love a bit of a woke story to butter your gammon. I detect a sense of danders being raised... :p
  11. I’ve obviously missed some posts, must be from someone I’m on ignore for, coz I have no idea wtf you lot are on about in context of booing a kicker at rugby and the whole Europe in particular if not the world hating England teams
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. I dislike wokery. I think it’s sending the west down the toilet. I often wonder who’s funding the left wing pressure groups that’s driving it. China maybe?
    The good news is I’ve got through the best part of my life without having to tolerate it. Roll on death :laughing:
  13. Its like a spring. When plucked it will swing one way, then the other and back and forth before it settles onto a new norm. Or back where it was. Thats how it goes. Wokery is the thing that tells you the right is taking the piss. And vice versa. Its telling us the fringes are pushing back. Louder than normal. Its an opportunity. To fix things. Or not. The latter is likely. So smile and wave boys, smile and wave. Luddites we are, hmmm.

    Who's funding the left? The same who are funding the right. Whilst everyone is arguing amongst themselves, some have been busy. As Kryton once lamented the calculators, we now lament the money. Where has it all gone? Look over there, look at how he eats a burger. Fines for breaking the law umpteen times? Just point out that that bloke over there had a swift half during the sabbath and called god a cunt.

    Honestly, I'm surrounded by idiots. Which is just as well because at least it isn't only me.
  14. Sir Kier Starmer couldn’t commit to describing a woman the other week. That me old chum, is wokery at work. It’s also utterly insane. And if you subscribe to that nonsense you’re crackers. I’ll say it again- woke is sending the western world down the toilet.

    And you can rattle on about springs all you like…
  15. Sometimes, even when the bleeding obvious is sitting there staring at you, you still fail to see it. That is because you are on the other side of the bell curve Mary. Blinded by tails of pronouns, you are like Donald Sutherland at the end of the Bodysnatchers pointing and screaming.
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. Respecting others and giving in to their demands is not the same thing. Shame most of the screamers don’t seem to get that.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Oh, just spotted this wrongness :)

    Let’s just say you and I aren’t politically aligned. And the Donald Sutherland Bodysnatchers thing? No idea what you’re on about. And it really doesn’t matter.
  18. It isnt about just about politics, we're not morally or ethically aligned either. For me it matters, for you only you matter. Ner.
  19. Oh dear… just…. Oh dear….. :rolleyes:
  20. just in case he pops up in the RIP thread (not wishing this, just saying) Mary - he's an actor who reached the peak of his career in "Cloudbusting" with Kate Bush. :upyeah:
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