Lol its not just about cost yo insure, although it is a significant factor, but also a great little car to learn to drive etc at a slower pace, with the kudos being a vintage soft top rather than big boy bass stuck in the boot. No way there would be any risks in hiw it drives etc (and feel insulted someone would suggest I'd let there be) but a bit of rust and plating and hammerite adds character lol
Well, there's obviuosly no convincing you... All I'll say is that the same £1500 would buy you lots of cars that are safer, better braked, better handling, better equiped, quieter, more comfortable, more reliable, cheaper to run, more fuel efficient, and won't bio-degrade into a smouldering pile of ferrous-oxide in the next 12 months...
well call me susan i have a MR2 Roadster drive with the roof down all the time ,and yes i have been told by my mates that its a hair dressers car , but do you know what I don't give a toss because it is great fun to drive ,it is totaly usless for anything but driving because it has no storage at all no boot and under the bonet is just a space for a tyre and thats it apart from a small space behind the seats . I love driving as it takes corners like a go cart it is pure fun and if i want to go and pick up bike bits i use the BMW . It may be a hairdressers car but i dont drive like a hairdresser:biggrin:
I'm looking at the clk 500 or clk320 for my next car, and I must say I'm considering a convertible, especially if its the 500...... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
MotoJohn - what's your favourite hair product? mine has to be pure Aloe Vera (being a baldy t**t). was that camp enough to earn my stipes as worthy of driving my Saab 9-3 Aero Convertible, and occasionally sporting a fetching black leather look (on the bikes, of course)? roof is down as much as possible, even on commutes. The hat comes out for longer runs and a tube of factor 50 is always in the glovebox (looking at a few more choices of chapeau, a baldy can't have too many hats/caps). have had abusive shouts from yoofs, and the odd horn honk from milfs. Was a bit "shy" about looking too much like a bellend initially, and now just ignore and get on with my happy drive to wherever. didnt actually go looking for a soft top, just had an insurance payout (August 2011, and a typical grey/wet northern day), a day at the auctions and a "borrowed" copy of the Glass's guide. The Saab was just way too much car for the money it was going for, so put a bid in, and it was mine. Fits the kids and me with all the stuff we need for a trip to seaside for a week easily.
Of course your bike wont be crushed on two counts. 1 its a bike and 2. its a Duke. You could ride it naked if you want. My brave new world rules relate to the crushing of convertibles purchased when the roofs of said vehicles remain firmly up in decent weather. These convertibles can also be driven either fully kitted up or completely naked, it matters not. Seriously though, in not going to start a debate on what kit is worn whilst biking, I have my views, mainly based around watching the extraction of bits of gravel from " slide" injuries. What bikers wear is up to them.
i was looking at a saab before i got the mr2 , they are very nice cars for the money ,i think i have been told by so called mate that most of my cars were hairdressers cars , i enjoy driving them and that what counts bit like the pricks that keep twlling me that i should get a nice sensible Honda!! in all i have had 8 soft tops in the 33 years i have been driving first was a LJ80 suzuki jeep then a beach buggy a couple more suzuki jeeps, MX5, MK2 Land rover , porsche boxter and now the MR2 Roadster . and i do have my roof down all the time i can , i think my next will be a 4 seater with a power hood would be nice
my girlfriend has a beetle cabrio as well. but i never drive it with the roof down during daytime,that is way to hot. i only like it in the evening when the sun goes down then it is coller and more fun. henk!!!
I drive a convertible. I sometimes have the top up, sometimes down. It's my decision (based on the state of my head after a 600 mile weekend trip from the south coast to Snowdonia, in glorious sun. My nose is still peeling!). Personnaly, I don't particularly see the attraction on mpv's, Harley's, BMW bikes, scooters or many other things. My solution - I don't buy them, but fair play if that's what you want. Live and let live... this also applies to those who moan about people who have fast bikes and don't take them on trackdays, 'where they belong'. Phah !
I have a pathological dislike of 4x4's, unless you're a farmer or launching an assault on Baghdad, then please just fvck off! Why not be even more of a selfish, chavy turd and add blacked out windows.... :smile: Here's my old gay hairdressers car...See, much nicerer....