you've just described the perfect sales tactic, not going to name names. Buy it for "A" then sell it for "C", buy same car/boat/bike/plane back for "B" - sell it for "D" etc etc etc.
Not a big deal. You would have made money if you kept if pristine for 21 years. But with inflation the £8500 is already £11K. 20 odd years of maintenance, someone knocking it over and breaking a fairing, being in the way when you park the Porsche... Selling it was fine as I'm sure you already know! LOL.
The 999/749 was the first bike I ever took notice of, I saw a xerox r at a print show while in my first year of college, it made a lasting impression. Love the look to this day, and as some have said already in race trim it is stunning! I have two projects ongoing at the moment both 749 based, one full carbon rs style ish and another in radical bodywork and I know I will hang on to these for a long time and no doubt own a 999 in the future aswell(hopefully an r), no doubt they will increase, I bought my dark over a year ago for 3k with 10500 on the clock, if I had kept it standard looks like it would sell for between 4 and 5 k. There’s only one more bike that has made a bigger impression on me, and that’s the desmo. just buy one
Bought my first bike, a black 999 4 years ago approximately. Sold it last summer after buying two 999R's and made a profit on the sale. Price had increased almost 2k in the last few years. I expect that trend to continue so from an economical standpoint it's not a bad choice of bike IMO.
I loved mine, had it 18 years, more room on them than you think, they go like stink and I never had any major grief service wise. My Multistrada took over on the comfort stakes, get one.
i hope the reason for the OP's silence is that he is scared to chime in without having bought one... pics pls
Not bought one (yet ) The thread was more about the price difference, rather than buying I will ask another question though, regarding the different models... What is/are the difference between the 999/ R, and S models?
so after all this you're not buying one? the difference is that you buy an S if you cannot afford an R
Basically... You like them or not. No better or worse reliability than similar era Ducati's. Some things are better than 9*6, others not so good. Access is worse for sure but not as shite as 1*98. As said, they look lovely in track/race trim without lights/indicators/number plates. Wouldn't stop to piss on a burning cast swingarm or BP version. Happy with the Baby versions I have.
in 4 pages the OP has only chimed in once. im out. i want my evangelism to lead to some parting with cash money. not fuel some freakish french inspired virtual fantasy
Firstly, did you go to the same school as my wife? She can't count either Secondly, I can't start a thread asking about price differences on one day, then buy a good example of a bike the next There things take time
Correct Some regard it as ugly but it has aged well and now looks sexy Its less fragile than tamburini-era bikes but then ducatis are not fragile. they only break when people dont maintain them as they should. like anything in life really will you now buy one. theres lots on ebay. a lovely nero for 10k