It was in the gay marriage thread that some enlightened soul on this forum pointed out that whilst everyone was squabbling and debating the morality and ethics of gay marriage, those cheeky ministerial types were pushing a bill through for a massive pay rise. Which got me thinking, is all this sabre rattling and pomposity on the part of the toff at the top the same thing? Because lets face it, the technology required to underpin a surveillance network like the US's digital monitoring would be no different to the tech used by the sate department to look at microsoft/google/apple users' personal data and information, which everyone was up in arms about some weeks ago. I suppose it's just more palatable if you can wrap it up in a veneer of morale indignation rather than tell people it's for their own good or safety? thoughts?
Well anyone that opts out of the on-by-default porn filter will no doubt be setting themselves up for increased 'attention'...
Another example of the nanny state we live in - It would be easy enough for the ISP's to track the actual pervs who download kiddie pron - Cameron's approach to ban pron unless you 'opt in' is rather drastic though - What next?... Banning motorcycle forums? Yaks me off that this tool trys to subject all of the inhabitants of this country with his skewed morality - The man is a knob!
Th UK monitoring infrastucture is getting too expensive for Govt to pay. there are many initiatives to do things "the old way" which are more cost effective. The strategy of opting in for internet users is a cheap way of reducing that monitoring overhead. "increased attention".........not really. Normal users, adults, who surf porn are no more liable for monitoring than those who opt out. Its not all about porn in the digital world, there are far more nasty things out there that get the attention of law enforcement, not just porn related.
Nanny state - saves lives. Stops your living standards from falling and makes your shopping cheaper. ISPs can track easily, but it costs a lot of money, who is going to pay for it? And.....ISPs dont make UK policies, they just provide a service. PM is a name, do really think he makes these decisions? whilst enjoying a cup of coco watching TOWIE? My opinion, your opinion, no offence.
They banned piratebay but you can get round it with proxy sites in other countries, jizz flicks will be no different.
Full support for the PM et al on the porn filter. Just hope they can do this for mobile phones etc as well since this is the way the kids will get around it. This country has gone downhill heading for the gutter in recent years and easy access to porn is just one of the reasons why. I expect there will be the usual outcry from those who care nothing for the morals of our young or themselves.
"Morals"? For me some of the most important moral qualities are trying to preserve peoples' personal liberties, freedom of speech, and privacy. Are you saying, Alan, that for you "morals" imply suppressing those very things?
I can remember being around 12/13 riding on our bikes around the lanes and we found lots of magazines strewn under a bridge full of all sorts of porn Of course we weren't aware fully of what was going on and giggled The Internet brings it to life and anything is at your fingertips I presume as I'm still innocent of these things I think we need to tone down television programmes and some music videos along with making porn opt in Kids are much more knowledgable about sex and porn these days One 11 year old girl I know knows all about BJs who has seen it on a DVD This is what happens when children are left to their own devices till parent comes home after 6
music videos are far worse, they reach a much larger, and younger, audience and portray a far more dangerous view: over-sexualised and where all the girls look the same (skinny big tatties) and the guys have them draped all over, yer know, sortin their bitches....and twice in 2 days I've agreed with 'im above...must be the though of a Numpty that's doing it....
I'll be opting in for no better reason that I think this blanket ban is not required. Better education by parents, and proper reporting of sites that have been set up for peado's (and also monitoring of these sites of any UK IP addresses that are accessing them). Don't get me wrong - I cannot stand these stories of kiddie fiddlers in the press - They should all be chemically castrated. However - I disagree with the liberties that this state tries to take away from us. There's hardly a week goes by without some half thought out policy spewing from Whitehall... Minimum pricing on alcohol, plain packaging on cig's etc... If the politicians want our moral behaviour to improve, then they should set an example first - Expenses scandal springs to mind, and also that Tory politician who has been questioned about raping 2 men recently.
And that's what internet pr0n has done to our morals - the hitherto blameless Mr & Mrs C and Mr & Mrs B, resorting to depraved sexual practices! See! Ban everything, whatever it is!