I hear you and for the most part agree Business as usual has just installed covid into my household with a positive test because a work colleague didn't inform one of my kids they weren't feeling well and continued going to work knowing that they have a mum at home just undergone a stem cell transplant I'm now hoping I don't get it I'm at high risk of being hospitalised and very sick
Have you tried turning the electric blanket down a couple of notches at night, I found that helped a little....
Apparently if you point out that hot weather has come and gone over the years and the old, most vulnerable, should have an idea of keeping out of the sun and hydrating without 24/7 doom and gloom spoon fed disaster avoidance messages and disagree with sycophancy virtue signally you are empathy free and not caring. Who knew.
Ye, being nice is virtue signalling. Frankly Brad, you are being overdramatic and are doing some signalling of your own.
Bradders there are a lot of the above that don't have an idea or maybe aren't able to A lot of old people live alone As do vulnerable people They are the ones that don't drink or eat properly or heat their homes in the winter I learnt about heatstroke last night I heard of it but because I haven't suffered with it was blasé too so I was educated last night not by the media but by a nurse
I’ve had heatstroke. Pretty much every holiday abroad for years on the first or second day. Coz I can be a stubborn knobhead who loves the sun. Not long ago, the media would have been full of positive ‘it’s like Spain, enjoy it while it lasts!’ messages, with a ‘bit remember, keep yourself safe from the sun and hydrated’ as a final message to those who need it. Now, it’s ‘life threatening heat!!!’ As headline and follow up with no positive message at all about how lovely the weather is and to make the most of it before it pisses down on Thursday.
Sorry Viv but you can’t tell me an old person has never experienced a few hot days?! The issue is if they don’t have the cognitive recall to know if they’ve had a drink more than anything else, as many old people do genuinely forget to consume fluid. But c’mon…. You don’t need to know about heatstroke to know if you stand outside in the sun all day unprotected it’s gonna hurt or be dangerous! The more we ‘need’ to be told the basis a in life, the more freedoms we lose.
I love a signal mate. And since I stopped driving bmw and started driving a mini I’ve found more of them
I hear you My nan lived on her own and had the heating on most days even in the summer but rarely drunk anything or eat much apart from crisps She wouldn't be told even the carers would try to encourage her. She didn't like water They don't look after themselves especially living alone so they are vulnerable Old people cannot regulate their bodies like we can so yes they need looking out for and encouraging even by scaremongering media when it's necessary I hydrate well because I need too In hospital you see the patients who won't drink they are the elderly I have two jugs of water I know how important it is Just because your sensible doesn't mean everyone is Just look at the beaches in the hot weather now there's sensible right there
The last sentence is the one that worries me: we have to be saved from ourselves. Millions go on holiday to hot places every year and, in heat like this and hotter, sit in or around the beach all day.
I'm glad this thread was started as shows that all can discuss and not go too far. No point in adding more as already mostly covered in replies #66 & #70 of my own let alone others. am I even allowed to say - have an extra cup of T/pint of water today everyone? As Viv said, some people forget, is it such a terrible thing to remind them?
I do to an extent agree with Bradders, when did everyone need advising on everything ? We joke about needing instruction to go for a crap but honestly how far away are we from this? We’ve already got instructions on candles saying not to eat them !! Nobody seems to be able to think for themselves, or even weigh up information given to them in order to make a decision that best suits them. you learn by making mistakes. This state of remote control humans is scary as fook
It is not just the air temperature. It is also the humidity. What you feel isnt the air temperature. What you feel is the resultant of a great many things. ie the heat radiated by buildings and structures. Often what you feel is 1 or 2 degrees above air temp (in summer) and vice versa in winter. When you are on hols, if youre hot you can jump in pool or sea. Here, the sea is miles away and theres no pool. Abroad, homes and hotels are geared up for the weather. Here, we are not. We are in a temperate clime normally, so this is unusual. People and our infrastructure are not ready for it. Why dont they do so? For the 1 or 2% chance? You fuckers wont even pay taxes to help old people. Fat chance you'd be prepared to pay more tax to sort it out. As it is, you get lured by tories with tax cuts and then moan when the services are cut. But thats ok, youve got a third car on PCP. I can cope with this weather okay. I stay in shade, drink water and block the sun getting into my home.
I'm on my 4th 16floz water bottle Now inside out of the heat (not the sun) Coffee and a bit of chocolate