Uri Geller

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mattmccabebrown, Jul 22, 2013.

  1. Maybe I'm cynical, but what a load of bullshit!
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  2. true that just a dodgy con man
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  3. anyone who is prepared to defend Michael Jackson as having done nothing wrong has to be compromised when it comes to trust. (MOO)
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  4. Watched it with some interest. You don't get to work for Mossad and the C.I.A if you are a con- man!

    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy

    #4 CRYSTALJOHN, Jul 22, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2013
  5. Corrected for you.
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  6. I think the whole programme is a wind-up, some sort of piss-take. Everybody knows UG is a liar, a fraudster, and a creep. Don't they?
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  7. Or 'politician' .........
  8. I did start to watch with some interest till I realised that it was a wind up and UG's pr machine in overdrive. UG represents the typical, "if you tell a lie enough you start to believe its true" Next Darren Brown will do a programme about being employed by MI6
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  9. Uri Geller is a bell end and possible peado - (or at least a peado in waiting)...
  10. The charlatan was exposed by James Randi - one of the clips is on the "funny videos" thread. He's done well out of fooling the gullible, the foolish and the brainless
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  11. The Carson show debunking (which Randi helped setup) is almost painful to watch... Geller is squirming like the little worm he is.

    Just goes to show how gullable people are, or rather how much the desire to beleive swamps any kind of critical evaluation. After this his career should have been over.
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  12. There was a time when people wouldn't believe Ducati could build a bike without a trellis frame...
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  13. I remember one of the early things on TV was when he asked the audience at home to get any stopped watches and he would get some to restart. Obviously some did restart. Possibly nothing to do with him, just bound to happen if you pick up enough stopped watches maybe ?

    I find something very distasteful about him, any friend of Michael Jackson has to be a bit odd I think but then on the other hand and despite my comment about the watches, I gather he has been employed by oil companies as he has successfully located oil wells many times so maybe he does have some abilities that most of the rest of us don't have or don't know how to use.
  14. Or maybe, just chucking it out there, a little like a savant his brain is wired differently which has two affects; makes him seem extremely odd to onlookers and gives him some form of ability to 'read' signals others dont.

    Or maybe not.
  15. The guy's a freak... A very successful freak, granted... But still a freak...
  16. Hes Just a bender .
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  17. Is the correct answer :upyeah:
  18. "Somethings have to be believed to be seen" as the psychic bunch are often saying... Well, sorry, but I don't believe in his "abilities"... Maybe that's why I can't see them... Or, maybe not...
  19. All fairly libelous
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  20. "Freak" - Not the same as normal... Unusual... Not conforming to the usual standard... Different... Strange... Odd... Curious... Bizare... Atypical... Extraordinary... I can't see anything libelous about that.
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