Uri Geller

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mattmccabebrown, Jul 22, 2013.

  1. And thats not?
  2. what bending forks :eek:
  3. I bent some forks in my time but I didn't see it coming :(
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  4. I met uri when I was a secret agent for a secret government department in a secret country far far away and I can tell you he is as sane as me.
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  5. Lets get one thing straight (excuse the pun), Geller is a fraudster. He's not like some psychics who claims to hear dead people speak to them where at a stretch one could argue that they may really beleive what they do is genuine*. The nature of his spoon bending deception means it is premeditated and preprepared. You cannot unkowingly prebend cuterly to the point of fracture, whip it out as if you'd never seen it before and then make it crumble in plain sight by stroking it. He is definitely sane, definitely calulating and definitely a fraud.

    If he really had any abilities he would have won the million dollar Randi Foundantion prize by now.

    (*There are plenty of psychics who knowingly prey on vunerable people too however, dispicable, discusting creatures that they are).
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  6. Snake Oil Salesman and parasite. There are many others who prey on the gullible.
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  7. Okay fair enough :smile:
    I missed that one :tongue:
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