Cameron's porn censorship

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Sev, Jul 22, 2013.

  1. Ducati keys in a bowl...
  2. Convertable keys in a bowl..
    • Like Like x 2
  3. I'd better find a partner :-D
  4. He's going to have some stiff opposition
  5. So, taking the OPs view of its to hide news, you think this is his shot at the money ?

  6. Down with this sort of thing
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  7. Me & Mrs. SH will be opting in, I can't wait to see government approved porn! Prime Ministers Questions could become even more interesting.
  8. I think its just a password thing like you get on your sky box ,stopping the kids seeing thing that they should not , we dont have kids but if we did i would have some sort of cyber nanny set up like we have on the pc at work :frown:
  9. father_ted_down_with_this_sort_of_t.jpg

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  10. Sex tits fanny arse cock nipples flaps. With my clever use of words I have blocked this forum so you'll all have to opt in now
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  11. How lucky we are to live in a country where we can rely on politicians and religious leaders for moral guidance. They can`t interfere in our lives and tell us what to do enough as far as I`m concerned. And while they are at it, why not introduce an internet tax too ?

  12. I see what you did there :D

    Ahhh the innocent days of taking a walk in the woods and finding a bag of grumble mags!
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