Being an old fart and a bit of a stickler for good manners when on the road I'll always make a point of waving or nodding or doing that odd head tilt & mouth click (as if they could hear) to fellow two wheeled enthusiasts Be they racer types on their hyper sports, born again types on their Triumphs & Royals Enfields or commuters on NCXs. I'll even nod to learners & scooterists and I always have a giggle by waving flamboyantly to Harley Dee stern look ahead types just to see if I can get a reaction... usually none But I'm always unsure what to do when I see fast food delivery scooters - I usually do some gentle nod that could easily be construed as just a bump in the road but sometimes I do get a similar half hearted nod back. So what do others suggest in this instance?
Ah the age old nod debate. Don’t know why people get caught up with it you don’t know what the non nodder is focussed on x
I always say "please" & "thank you" to everyone, even though I have no idea if they appreciate it. This is the same thing in my book.
Holding doors open and minding ps and qs is a given but if you’re out on a high spirited hoon (for want of a better phrase) the last thing you’re worried about is nodding to every T D & H pottering about. And where do you draw the line , are we expecting Uber scooters to nod ? Harley owners? I think you’re always going to be disappointed if so
Of course a wave is more difficult during a 100mph wheelie *though those boys doing track days live on telly do it... But when you've run out of petrol or broken down, the reason bikers stop to help is due in part to the wave and camaraderie. The reason we all like to meet up is also the same, as is sharing stories here. It doesn't take much much to participate and overall its worthwhile.
While we’re on the subject of acknowledging other two wheel users - can anybody tell me why so many scooter/delivery people ride with one leg dangling down? What’s that all about?
Have to say I don’t know but whether I’m riding or driving I say “pick your feet up!” When I was taught to ride the trainer made a point of telling us to get our feet up asap once moving.
The cool thing about riding on the other side of the road (the « right » side, opposite of both « left » and « wrong »), is that you can use your left hand to wave, keeping the other on the throttle… We extensively use the « Barry Sheen victory sign » over here, as many of you may have noticed.
Harley drivers rarely acknowledge back, too busy controlling all that power. Most bike cops do acknowledge though.
Biker joke: - Do you know why BMW riders never wave? - Because BMW engineers forgot the wave switch »…
It's the power eh? I always thought the vibration had made their hands to numb to move and the god awful noise of their tractor inspired engine left them semiconscious. But its the power! Well well...
I keep unintentionally nodding at bikers when I'm out on my pushbike, hopefully they twig I'm also a biker.
Yeah, Mr Plod is another I'm always unsure about... but you're right, I wouldn't normally nod but the couple of times I have through mistaken identity I have got one in return. There is also the nearside leg off the peg wave when steaming past another on the motorway or perhaps when err... braking a little late for that left hander... ho hum.