V4 Pikes Peak

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Steelboss, Oct 10, 2021.

  1. Yeah fan does come on a lot but i already knew that they are a "hot" engine so does not surprise me. My idle is fine. You can notice the different sound on idle when you let clutch out slightly and it changes from 2 cylinders to 4. I find that quite addictive. Definately an improvement over my old 1200S which was so good i kept it 8 years
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  2. When you say erratic ride, what do you mean? I always run mine on Super Unleaded, but on the trip one place only had regular unleaded, so the bike was quite juddery. Now whether that was the fuel or the 42 degree heat, I don’t know, but after a few tanks of super, it’s seems to be sorted now.
  3. If I'm sat there at some lights for instance, in neutral, I can see the rpm needle moving around in a range of probably 200-300 rpm. It's also not a regular movement, it'll suddenly jump, then settle for a bit etc. If I mess with the clutch to bring the other 2 cylinders in, it keeps doing it so it's not something related to the 2 cylinder cut off.
  4. Air/fuel or Lambada sensor? Whatever it is get the dealer to check it out as mine definitely doesn't do that
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  5. Thoughts?




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  6. I’m not taking this bike off-road, so the standard guards are fine.
  7. I meant no guards at all!
  8. Ah ok. Is it that hot at the moment?!
  9. I’d not thought of that, but it’s a fair point. I wanted to see what a cleaner front end looked like.

    I’m starting to think the billet handguards were a mistake. Just sitting on it in the garage, it feels a bit different. I’ll give it a go tomorrow and make a decision.
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  10. No hand guards = definitely need different levers. As you already have them consider paint/powder coat the aluminum parts? Failing that I'd opt for a carbon set of hand guards.
  11. Or a couple of 2 litre plastic milk containers cut to fit and go all urban grunge/dispatch rider vibe.
    Just go with what you think is best
    • Funny Funny x 2
  12. If you all think the wait for your new bike is long now, just wait till China invade Taiwan! :eek:
  13. I think the no guards thing looks pretty cool :upyeah:
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  14. I took the guards off my V4S, looks better IMO and noticed no difference with wind noise, buffeting etc...
  15. I’ve had the termis fitted on many bikes and noticed the idle was a little erratic, always hunting for the right revs but only did it when the baffles were out, put them back in and ticked over perfectly..
  16. One thing I am struggling with on both the v4s I had and now my PP is my right hand going numb. Frequently have to shake my hand to get feeling back
  17. Definitely not got that, I find it very good in that regard, much better than the 1260.

    However my friend has similar complaints about his v4s and is taking it in to be looked at since his test rides didn't show this issue
  18. I get a numb right hand after a while. I think its much to do with the long reach to the levers.
  19. A friend had the same, Bike checked out OK with a Ducati dealer no issues. Turned out to be an issue he had with his shoulder and a trapped nerve, some Physio / Chiro visits and all OK now.
  20. I don't have this problem with my V4s , but its the first new bike I've had where there are no weights on either wheel.
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