Has anybody successfully braced the arms where the mirrors mount to stop them vibrating really badly? I had a 900ss ie which did it and now the 1000ds does the same thing. At around 3-3500rpm the mirrors really vibrate, since the arms they mount on have no other bracing it seems logical to brace those arms. Anybody done this mod?
No, but I've seen it on the carby, which has a similar setup, not nearly as long as those though, would a triangular brace at the base of that arm make enough difference I wonder? What about a bar running all the way across. Bit unsightly though
I have relocated the mirrors at the end of the bars.....i can see behind now and i do not get any vibrations
I did a bit of bracing and also shortened the length of the mirrors by 30mm. It has helped but not eliminated the problem, but it is way more acceptable. I have modded a set of bar end mirrors to attach to the original position (and they are 60gms each lighter) but I haven't tried them yet. I'm not a welders apprentice so the welding is nothing to write home about!! to the original position (and they are 60gms each lighter) but I haven't tried them yet.
I finally got around to fitting the modified bar end mirrors which are 60gms(each) lighter and they are clearer than the originals. They are shorter than the originals but for me that is not a problem and I can see more than my elbows!