My clutch was quite dirty, almost sticky on the ramps. It's also a bit worn out. So we cleaned and greased things, checked the stack height and it now works ten times better. Hopefully it will last for a few more months. Hooray :smile:
It's always good getting to know your new bike by doing bits to it I'm expecting to have a few things to do to mine also!
:frown:Surflex slipper clutch £930. Any good ? At this price they must be. If they are maintenance free and brilliant then I might invest in one. :smile:
That's a lot of dosh! Just cleaned and greased my "useless" 3 ramp slipper - it took less than an hour to do. Good opportunity to bond with my steed and way cheaper than 930 quid!
Standard 749r slipper is basic, and can be "agricultural" if not cleaned and set up right. Graunging noise is normally due to build up of dust. Take all the plates out, watch the correct order. Clean them all. Clean out the drum etc, grease ramps if it's not been done recently. Plates back in, check stack height, and away you go. This needs doing every 750 to 1,000 mile depending on riding style and type of journey.
Pulled off the drive way earlier. A lot of cars parked on the road. A car was coming the other way so I slowed to let him come through. I completely forgot about my dreadful clutch, bike stalled and over I went. Scuffed the fairing, bent leaver and a few scratches on the swing arm ! :frown: I might put up pictures tomorrow but can't bare to look at my bike any more tonight........bumheads
It's hard to feel sympathy when you yourself have never put a foot wrong in your entire life. Show a little understanding, yeah? It ain't easy being perfect in an imperfect world!
Sorry. I sometimes feel I have to explain Andy's actions - he is a little shy and doesn't come forward himself very often.
Really sorry to read this. It's all superficial and nothing that can't be repaired, main thing is that you're ok.
no the difference is if i fook up id say i fooked up....i dont want to see anyones bike get crashed or any one get hurt, but the clutch didnt cause this incident...
[h=2]in·ci·dent[/h] [in-si-duhnt] Show individual occurrence or event. 2.a distinct piece of action, or an episode, as in a story or play. 3.something that occurs casually in connection with something else. As in "Pulled off the drive way earlier. A lot of cars parked on the road. A car was coming the other way so I slowed to let him come through. I completely forgot about my dreadful clutch, bike stalled and over I went. Scuffed the fairing, bent leaver and a few scratches on the swing arm ! "